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Recently diagnosed with epilepsy at age 33

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  • Recently diagnosed with epilepsy at age 33

    I am wondering if I am able to apply for PIP? I have been told yes from some DWP staff..and No from others, and I am so confused. I was working at a disabled and special needs school, until March this year, and I had to give this up due to having seizures, as my employer had to consider the safety of me and the 8 children I was caring for. I only made a claim for ESA in July, and was awarded it. Up until July I had 6 seizures, and was diagnosed with Epilepsy last week, and I am awaiting MRI results.
    Welfare rights advised me I will not be awarded PIP if I claim, however I was advised I have a good chance, by an advisor at DWP. I'm unsure if I should put in for it or not
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  • #2
    Re: Recently diagnosed with epilepsy at age 33

    Hi and welcome.

    If you don't apply you certainly won't receive it!!
    This link might be useful: https://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/p...m#.Wahic8iGNPY

    Good luck


    • #3
      Re: Recently diagnosed with epilepsy at age 33

      I know little about epilepsy apart from what I learnt when a colleague had a grand mal seizure

      Pip is not about what is wrong with you but about how it affects your life

      The frequency and severity of seizures will be important , do you have warnings of when they are coming on , what might trigger them

      So for example could you have a bath without someone checking you

      Can you go out alone

      Can you cook.a meal

      Dont have to be grande mal .

      Give it a shot no harm in trying but try and get someone to help you with your forms


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