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Council tax

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  • Council tax

    Wondering if any1 can help. I have a property which at the moment is inhabitable it has no gas electric or running water. Do I still have to pay council tax
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  • #2
    Re: Council tax

    Also they are trying to charge me a 50% premium for empty property! Where do I stand with this.


    • #3
      Re: Council tax

      Your council should have details published on its website regarding its policy to charge householders council tax on empty properties, houses being renovated etc. etc. The law changed some years ago allowing councils to make up their own rules within certain guidelines. A figure of two years empty is in my mind before they are allowed to charge 50% extra but the goal posts may have moved. If you don't mind naming your council I should be able to find the relevant information on its website.


      • #4
        Re: Council tax

        A property not having gas or electric doesn't have any effect on the amount of Council Tax which is payable - if a property is in a bad way (i.e. a complete wreck that couldn't be lived in) the valuation office agency may remove if from the council tax list but it's very rare that they will do so.

        Where a property has been unoccupied and unfurnished for 2 years or more then the local authority are correct in that the (up to) 50% premium can be applied. Unless the property is occupied and/or furnished there is no way that the premium can be avoided - the physical state of the property doesn't affect the premium. If you're having problems with paying the consider asking for a 'section 13A discretionary reduction'


        • #5
          Re: Council tax

          thanks for your reply. it is cheshire west & chester council


          • #6
            Re: Council tax

            Originally posted by Jhydro View Post
            thanks for your reply. it is cheshire west & chester council
            Overview of rules around unoccupied, unfurnished properties

            Properties that are left unfurnished and unoccupied maybe entitled to a discount or exemption, some for up to six months, some for up to 12, and some for no fixed time period.
            These are as follows:
            • After a period of two years has elapsed from the date that a property first became empty and unfurnished, an empty homes premium charge will be levied. This maybe a date before you purchased the property.
            • The premium will be 50% above the full Council Tax payable on your property and will replace the 75% previously charged.
            • For the first month that the property is empty and unfurnished a 100% discount is applicable, up until 24 months a 25% discount is applicable. After 24 months there is no discount and 150% of the council tax is payable.
            • Should you purchase a property that is already empty you should check with the council the date the property first became empty and unfurnished to be able to determine when a premium would commence.

            Examples of unfurnished and unoccupied properties

            • Properties undergoing major structural repairs are entitled to 25% discount for up to 12 months
            • Properties left empty and unfurnished are entitled to a discount of 100% for one month followed by a 25% discount from the date the property first became unfurnished. This may be a date before you purchased the property.
            • Properties where occupation is prohibited by law - no time limit up to the order being lifted
            • Properties that have been repossessed - no time limit up to the time of sale
            • An unoccupied annexe
            • A property left unoccupied, which is the responsibility of a trustee in bankruptcy
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