Any advice will be appreciated. I will try and be brief.
I recently received a letter from a debt company called Agilysis informing me that I was liable to pay just short of £2000 of council tax from 2007/2008. This is the first I have been made aware of this. I did live in this property at the time so I am not disputing that.
This was a shared house with 3 or 4 other individuals, I can't rememebr as it was so long ago. The advised me when I spoke to them on the phone that the landlord had furnished the council with an email naming all of the tenants. For some reason they have not named the other individuals I lived with on this bill.
When I asked why this was the case I was advised that they could pursue whoever they wanted in the house. I spoke to citizens advice bureau who weren't the best as the person I spoke to confessed that they were not sure. The company Agilysys said that it fell under joint and several liability, when I was looking at this legislation it looked like this more applied to husband and wives rather than a joint tenancy.
Obviously if this was presented at the time I would have paid for it but I genuinely dont rememebr receiving any letters as such. The difficulty I now find myself in is that I dont have any details for the people who I lived with to query this and do not feel that if money is owed that it should fall only on my shoulders to pay for this. As you imagine I dont have £2000 odd lying round.
Also not sure, I now live in Northern Ireland; can this still be pursued here?
Thanks again guys
Any advice will be appreciated. I will try and be brief.
I recently received a letter from a debt company called Agilysis informing me that I was liable to pay just short of £2000 of council tax from 2007/2008. This is the first I have been made aware of this. I did live in this property at the time so I am not disputing that.
This was a shared house with 3 or 4 other individuals, I can't rememebr as it was so long ago. The advised me when I spoke to them on the phone that the landlord had furnished the council with an email naming all of the tenants. For some reason they have not named the other individuals I lived with on this bill.
When I asked why this was the case I was advised that they could pursue whoever they wanted in the house. I spoke to citizens advice bureau who weren't the best as the person I spoke to confessed that they were not sure. The company Agilysys said that it fell under joint and several liability, when I was looking at this legislation it looked like this more applied to husband and wives rather than a joint tenancy.
Obviously if this was presented at the time I would have paid for it but I genuinely dont rememebr receiving any letters as such. The difficulty I now find myself in is that I dont have any details for the people who I lived with to query this and do not feel that if money is owed that it should fall only on my shoulders to pay for this. As you imagine I dont have £2000 odd lying round.
Also not sure, I now live in Northern Ireland; can this still be pursued here?
Thanks again guys