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County Court Business Centre

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  • County Court Business Centre

    How do I tell if a claim received from a County Court Business Centre is genuine? There are no stamps of any kind and it is signed by a solicitor.
    Thanks for any help available.
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  • #2
    Re: County Court Business Centre

    They are not the most impressive. It should have a rubber stamp on the circle marked Seal, there should be a claim number and an issue date.

    There is a reference to a web page and a password. Use these to sign in and acknowledge the claim. Note down any sign in and password details that it may give you.


    • #3
      Re: County Court Business Centre

      Thank you ostell that is very helpful.
      There is no Rubber Stamp of any kind and there is no date. There is only a claim number "XXXXXXXX"
      There is the Claimant's name plus my wife and my names, then particulars of the claim being service charges which are in dispute, plus interest and solicitor fees along with extracts of the Terms of Lease.
      Having never been involved with this sort of thing before, I have no experience but just feel it may be a solicitors frightener try-on. The whole 3 pages are signed by the solicitors and there is no detail of the 'County Court Business Centre' from where it is supposed to have originated.
      The reason for this dispute is that a new maintenance company have taken over the maintenance of this residential development and are demanding so called arrears from the previous company who did no work at all but kept demanding money until when none of the landlords would pay them, they pulled out of the contract. This new company then took over and although they never did anything either, they demand not only money for their non existing work but also the historic arrears from the previous company.
      We have continually requested a full detailed report of this alleged work etc but this has never been supplied. Therefore we have withheld payment but we have always paid the ground rent and insurance plus a small amount for some grass cutting etc they did carry out once only!
      I t would be great if we could find a solicitor who could help us in this matter as it is stressing my wife and me terribly now we are in our later years (I am 76 years old)
      Any help is greatly appreciated,
      Thank you,

      Last edited by Kati; 12th August 2017, 10:56:AM.


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