Pavement in front of a premise ( residential or commercial) belongs to whom in London?
If it snowed and someone slipped, one tenth step before coming into the entrance of the premise bumped a knee or broke a hand, from whom one can request compensation? The shop owner, the free holder, the council, the TFL, the company who did the pavement, the MP who should look after its constituents or the prime minister, who should have the interest, the wealth and the health of the nation at his/her heart, or the queen?
If it snowed and someone slipped, one tenth step before coming into the entrance of the premise bumped a knee or broke a hand, from whom one can request compensation? The shop owner, the free holder, the council, the TFL, the company who did the pavement, the MP who should look after its constituents or the prime minister, who should have the interest, the wealth and the health of the nation at his/her heart, or the queen?