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Excessive Speed...

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  • Excessive Speed...

    Hi, this is new to me, I've recently been caught excessively speeding on the motorway.

    I was caught doing 115mph in a 70 zone, idiotic I know. I'm currently waiting for a Court summons which means it's a very real possibility that I'll get banned.
    I'm just looking for some advice regarding what I can say in Court as I don't want to hang myself by saying something I shouldn't. I've never been to Court before so I'm pretty worried.
    If I get banned I'll end up losing my job and in turn my house/mortgage and my little one and Fiancee will have nowhere to live. I live in Wales and travel to Bristol everyday for work.

    All I've been told so far is to plead hardship, but is there anything else I can do?

    Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
    Re: Excessive Speed...

    Hi and welcome.

    Although widely often said that that sort of speed will get an instant ban, it is not the whole answer.
    The ban is discretionary, and if imposed so is the period .(so if you get a ban you might be able to take it as holiday or negotiate leave of absence with your employer as i think the max ban is 56 days)
    Magistrates can award points instead.

    You need, (besides pleading guilty and grovelling!) to plead exceptional hardship:
    • Loss of career –and subsequent financial hardship – One of the most common arguments is that a driving ban, and potential loss of employment, could result in financial difficulties.Stress the effect on your family.
    • Also point out previous clean licence held for ? many years, and any mitigating circumstances round this offence e.g. clear roads,

    Pob lwc


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