Hi I am in a very simular postion , I have been paying Experto for many years and then in December the Standing order was sent back, I had not cancelled this. I have then out of the blue had 3 letters from PRA , I have today sent them by Recorded letter a request for my CCA form and sent them a £1 Postal order . I find it shocking that they can do this. The debt which I am trying to repay is with MBNA and has fallen off my Credit File over two years ago. I am really worried as besides this I have many other debts but have arranged payment plans with them all and not had the disgusting threats these people are using. Can anyone adivce me what is going to happen next as i do not want to ring these people.
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Can I ask why is the fact Exporto Credito so important, I have been worrying about this for two days. Any advice will be appreciated.
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Can I ask why is the fact Exporto Credito so important, I have been worrying about this for two days. Any advice will be appreciated.