I sent off the template letter from the forum on 17th Feb giving them 2 weeks to arrange the collection of vehicle, by Tuesday of this week heard nothing other than email confirmation they had received my letter of 17th. Rang them up to ask when collection would be, answer was up to 10 working days for Manheim to action the request, but if you want you can ring them on the following number.................................
done that and they came to collect today, I made it clear at the outset of the inspection that I wouldn't be signing the vehicle report, which was duly the case, in fact, he noted down on the report that I wasn't signing it, however, I did sign the proof of delivery note, to confirm that Manheim had in fact taken the vehicle as required, I made it clear with the vehicle inspector that that has no relation to his report and that I am in fact signing it on GMAC's behalf and to cover myself if anything happens to the vehicle between my home and the auction site.
I am just wondering now if I should have actually signed that doc?
there is a section on it for other comments which says " as per vcr" which I take to mean vehicle condition report.
My view on this is that the vehicle was collected as per that report and that is as far as it goes.
I appreciate I am being a little naughty here given that I have exceeded the mileage by some considerable margin, I have in addition paid slightly more than 50% as well.
interestingly, other than the mileage, the only damaged noted on the report was for £42 for scuffed boot interior trim, which is accurate.
I wonder if I will now receive a demand from Shoosmiths for the excess mileage charge?
my understanding is that in exercising the VT clause any other agreements fall away and are in effect null and void, am I correct in my assumption?
I suppose time will tell, but I am more than prepared to stick to my guns on this one.
would appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have.
I sent off the template letter from the forum on 17th Feb giving them 2 weeks to arrange the collection of vehicle, by Tuesday of this week heard nothing other than email confirmation they had received my letter of 17th. Rang them up to ask when collection would be, answer was up to 10 working days for Manheim to action the request, but if you want you can ring them on the following number.................................
done that and they came to collect today, I made it clear at the outset of the inspection that I wouldn't be signing the vehicle report, which was duly the case, in fact, he noted down on the report that I wasn't signing it, however, I did sign the proof of delivery note, to confirm that Manheim had in fact taken the vehicle as required, I made it clear with the vehicle inspector that that has no relation to his report and that I am in fact signing it on GMAC's behalf and to cover myself if anything happens to the vehicle between my home and the auction site.
I am just wondering now if I should have actually signed that doc?
there is a section on it for other comments which says " as per vcr" which I take to mean vehicle condition report.
My view on this is that the vehicle was collected as per that report and that is as far as it goes.
I appreciate I am being a little naughty here given that I have exceeded the mileage by some considerable margin, I have in addition paid slightly more than 50% as well.
interestingly, other than the mileage, the only damaged noted on the report was for £42 for scuffed boot interior trim, which is accurate.
I wonder if I will now receive a demand from Shoosmiths for the excess mileage charge?
my understanding is that in exercising the VT clause any other agreements fall away and are in effect null and void, am I correct in my assumption?
I suppose time will tell, but I am more than prepared to stick to my guns on this one.
would appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have.