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Charging Order

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  • Charging Order

    Hi. Thanks for letting me join the forum.

    I'm hoping to get some advice regarding what we think is negligence by our Solicitor who handled a personal injury claim. It's all a bit complicated, but here goes...

    In November we received two charging order letters. One in my name and one in my Husband's name. It said we owed £2000 odd pounds in court costs. It didn't make sense as my Husband had won his case in October 2014 and been paid out. We contacted the solicitor that dealt with the claim, who said they would look into it as we should not owe anything for costs. It was apparently agreed that neither side would be liable for costs if the case was settled by a certain date, which it was.

    We have subsequently learnt from our solicitor that they had in fact has a bill in early 2015, but they thought it was a mistake and it was ignored. In fact, I think they had received 3 letters from DWF and all had been ignored.

    The first we knew about it was when the letter with the charging order and court judgement dropped through out letterbox in November.

    Our solicitor has now paid the costs to avoid further stress and worry to us, and have had the judgement put aside. We are hoping it will not have an adverse affect on my Husband's credit rating. They have offered us £200 pounds in compensation. Does this seem reasonable? We have spent many hours writing letters and telephoning.

    Also, do we have any recourse with the Solicitor, DWF, who never contacted us prior to this Charging order and court judgement. I feel we should have been notified way before it got to this stage.

    Any opinions or help would be very much appreciated.

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