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Escalating Dispute with Auto Fitting Company

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  • Escalating Dispute with Auto Fitting Company

    Hello everyone! I've just found this site while searching for information on how to resolve a dispute with a chain of auto fitters.

    They have damaged the engine of my vehicle and have been unwilling to accept responsibility for the matter, which is now escalating.

    I now suspect that it was they who damaged the vehicle while it was outside their premises as a means of trying to wash their hands of the matter.

    I've been dealing with the regional manager, but having today been informed of their formal complaints procedure an now in the process of drafting a formal letter of complaint. I have already spoken to a people at the Consumer Helpline, who've advised me that this is the next step.

    I'm also drafting a timeline of events as they have and are continuing to happen.

    Any advice in any regard would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!
    Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Hello everyone! Newbie in dispute with a company.

    to LB [MENTION=96153]madlucybee[/MENTION]

    I'll tag @des8 and @R0b for you xx
    Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

    It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

    recte agens confido


    Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

    I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
    But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

    Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


    • #3
      Escalating Dispute with Auto Fitting Company

      Hello everyone! I've just found this site while searching for information on how to resolve a dispute with a chain of auto fitters.

      They have damaged the engine of my vehicle and have been unwilling to accept responsibility for the matter, which is now escalating.

      I now suspect that it was they who damaged the vehicle while it was outside their premises as a means of trying to wash their hands of the matter.

      I've been dealing with the regional manager, but having today been informed of their formal complaints procedure an now in the process of drafting a formal letter of complaint. I have already spoken to a people at the Consumer Helpline, who've advised me that this is the next step.

      I'm also drafting a timeline of events as they have and are continuing to happen.

      Any advice in any regard would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you!
      Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉


      • #4
        Re: Hello everyone! Newbie in dispute with a company.

        Hi and welcome

        Without knowing more about what, where and how it is difficult to comment.
        When you post your timeline we can suggest ways forward.

        If you can show that on a balance of probabilities the fitters were responsible for damaging the vehicle, they will be liable for the costs of restoration.

        You also suspect they were responsible for damaging the vehicle in a seperate incident whilst it was outside their premises.
        Not sure of the exact circumstances here, but if the damage was due to their negligence, again they are liable.
        Your suspicion that they deliberately damaged it would not be enough proof.

        Off now till tomorrow, so Happy New Year


        • #5
          Re: Escalating Dispute with Auto Fitting Company

          [MENTION=49370]Kati[/MENTION] double posting by madlucybee.
          Could you perrlease eiter merge or delete one to avoid confusion?
          Thanks, Des


          • #6
            Re: Escalating Dispute with Auto Fitting Company

            Originally posted by des8 View Post
            @Kati double posting by madlucybee.
            Could you perrlease eiter merge or delete one to avoid confusion?
            Thanks, Des
            sorted :yo: xx
            Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

            It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

            recte agens confido


            Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

            I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
            But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

            Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


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