Hello, any help will be appreciated. We have recently started the process of selling our home,
As part of this a restriction/charging order from a CCJ has come to light. The restriction / CCJ is against me not my wife,
dates from 2007 CAPQUEST who it appears bought a credit card debt.
My conveyancers have advised that If I do not pay the debt then we cannot sell our House.
I have tried to understand the legalise and I feel that the law states that any restriction against only one party in joint ownership
should not prevent the owners 'dealing with the property.'
I am retired as is my wife, funds are very limited, we simply have to 'downsize' sell our house in order to survive.
Any advice as to how we could proceed ?
this may be in the wrong forum, apologies
As part of this a restriction/charging order from a CCJ has come to light. The restriction / CCJ is against me not my wife,
dates from 2007 CAPQUEST who it appears bought a credit card debt.
My conveyancers have advised that If I do not pay the debt then we cannot sell our House.
I have tried to understand the legalise and I feel that the law states that any restriction against only one party in joint ownership
should not prevent the owners 'dealing with the property.'
I am retired as is my wife, funds are very limited, we simply have to 'downsize' sell our house in order to survive.
Any advice as to how we could proceed ?
this may be in the wrong forum, apologies