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  • Lowell

    Hello everyone, I hope im writing in the correct place. Lowell have purchased an old debt of mine for Llloyds , Iqor were managing the debt and the last payment i made was to them in 2011 and heard nothing afterwards until Lowell purchased the debt. I sent lowell a statue barred letter as this debt is from around 2008 but they have informed me as i made a payment in 2011its not statue barred,but i didnt make any payments to Lowell, is the debt statue barred ?Thanks
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  • #2
    Re: Lowell

    From what you have said, no it isn't statute barred. If you last made a payment in 2011 it will not be statute barred until 2017. It doesn't matter that you didn't make the payment to Lowell.

    Are you in a position make a full and final settlement offer?


    • #3
      Re: Lowell

      Originally posted by mai19222 View Post
      Lowell have purchased an old debt of mine for Llloyds , Iqor were managing the debt and the last payment i made was to them in 2011 and heard nothing afterwards until Lowell purchased the debt.
      This debt may not be statute barred but it may/may not be legally flawed in some other way.

      When do you think the account was opened?

      Was this Lloyd's account a credit card, loan or an overdraft?

      Depending on your answers it may make sense to send Lowell a s.77-79 CCA Request before you enter into a F& F settlement situation.

      If nothing else it may place you in better bargaining position if you want to settle.



      • #4
        Re: Lowell

        Hello Di, It was a loan account and it was in january 2008, I had to give up work due to illness so could not make the repayments, first Iqor had the account in 2011,then i had a letterout of the blue from a LLoyds bank headed letter but from 1st credit informing me theywere assigned all the rights etc effective from 18/11/2013 and then i had a letter from Lowell dated july12th 2013 informing me that my account was sold to them on the 24th/06/2013 by Lloyds. Thanks for your help


        • #5
          Re: Lowell

          Hello, No i became ill again with renal cancer and a tumor after giving up work previously with a neurological illness so money is very tight and i have a lot of debt which Lowell have purchased all of them dating back to 2004 but its only now i am just about able to try and sort this mess out, I have a full time carer who helps me with paperwork etc. thanks for your help


          • #6
            Re: Lowell

            Originally posted by mai19222 View Post
            i became ill again with renal cancer and a tumor after giving up work previously with a neurological illness so money is very tight and i have a lot of debt which Lowell have purchased all of them dating back to 2004 but its only now i am just about able to try and sort this mess out, I have a full time carer who helps me with paperwork
            I'm sorry you've got health issues. Some creditors/ lenders have a hardship or vulnerable persons team to deal with special circumstances.

            What are the other debts which Lowells have purchased?

            Maybe this is a good time to look at all of them



            • #7
              Re: Lowell

              Hello Di, Thank you for your help, I have a notice of hearing application for another Lloyds debt from 2004 ,I sent Lowell a staue barred letter ,i was not to sure of what i was doing but i was able to get the cost covered because i am on low income. can i ask on the letter from the court it stated that any email sent to the court must be CCd to all parties, does this mean i have to send all evidence to Lowell as well as bringing it to the court. I have a lot of debts Di as i had all the usual trappings in life and then suddenly my income was gone and before i knew so were all my savings. Lowell have about another six/seven debts,its awful to find myself in this position. I really appreciate your help. My carer will bring me to the court as i am in a wheelchair due to my disabilities. Lowell worked so fast with the court claim , they wasted no time.


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