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DWP and ATOS absolute balls up...

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  • DWP and ATOS absolute balls up...

    okay here goes... about 6 years ago I had an accident at work and although this is not the issue it is the root cause, you see up until this point I had been a full time worker. Anyhow I found after this accident I was left with pains that as time has prgressed has made things worse and I have now been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and compulsive pain disorder or some such thing...

    Anyhow I had been on ESA and had been laid off (again) I had a fight on my hands to keep hold of the ESA and have been on and off it several times.. Eventually this resulted in a tribunal where the Judge decided that I was entitled to ESA and overturned the DWP decision... I had applied for PIP and went for the assessment with Atos or Asos and to my disbelief (honestly I wasn't shocked at all) they didn't give me quite enough points...

    Anyway after finding out exactly what points they had given me I noted that I hadn't been given enough points and started to check I had been given all points for everything I informed him the problems were... I found that I hadn't been awarded at least 3 points and this would have put me over the threshold for PIP.. I sort of lost the plot and tried sorting this whole mess out about a year ago but now it has got to a stage where it needs sorting out as I am currently getting £50 a week and that's it...

    So in essence I should have been given points that I wasn't, medically I can prove that I have informed doctors of these issues and the DWP haven't done there job right... this is of course the Light version and gives the bare bones of the argument and outlines the two facts the Judge got it wrong and I wasn't given vital points.....

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  • #2
    Re: DWP and ATOS absolute balls up...

    Did you appeal the decision? info HERE I think there is a strict time scale on the appeal.
    Other option is to rerapply


    • #3
      Re: DWP and ATOS absolute balls up...

      Hi and thanks for the reply... No I didn't... to be fair I had a lot on with specialist appts... the decision was 30th Nov 15... I was wondering been as they have effectively commited fraud in not awarding points can I take them to court using N244...?


      • #4
        Re: DWP and ATOS absolute balls up...

        Taking DWP to court is not something I would take on and I am not the one to give any advice on it either, sorry.
        I would say if you do go that route a judge may take a dim view if you have not even attempted to appeal the decision , just my opinion.


        • #5
          Re: DWP and ATOS absolute balls up...

          In the end I got hold of HMCTS and they hadn't received the appeal... Blaming Royal Mail.. Anyhow I know they have recv'd it now due to Royal Mail Secured at 10:16 it was signed for so looks like we will be in their silly courts and tribunals room soon...

          It does seem I know more than most on here though, but I am happy to take this Gov on on most matters as they are so corrupt...


          • #6
            Re: DWP and ATOS absolute balls up...

            Well tis obvious you know more than me, but that's certainly not true of everyone on here, good luck and please let us know how you get on if you can.


            • #7
              Re: DWP and ATOS absolute balls up...

              Thanks Boss and I will do, one thing I have noted is getting your MP involved is a NO GO AREA forget it they are useless overpaid idiots...!

              I will contact HMCTS this afternoon as they only got it at 10:16 and check it is being progressed... Being Nice and not rude is also important folk's I know it's hard and all we want to really do is F and Jeff... But it does help...


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