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county court letter PRA/MBNA

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  • county court letter PRA/MBNA

    Good evening everyone,
    Further to my previous post, I have not received any further correspondence in respect of my CPR31.14 request from PRA. All they have sent is a single page /application , and a copy of the MBNA card statement. No assignment or formal notice.
    Should I send a 2nd request? and when should I contact the court to let them know the situation.

    Thanks again
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  • #2
    Re: county court letter PRA/MBNA

    previous post ?


    • #3
      Re: county court letter PRA/MBNA

      Originally posted by MIKE770 View Post
      previous post ?
      Sorry Mike , I'm totally useless on this.
      I started a thread mid July on here in respect of a county court claim from PRA. I seem to have started an additional one. I'm not sure how to link it to you, but it was under 'county court letter - PRA/MBNA.

      Apologies again


      • #4
        Re: county court letter PRA/MBNA

        This one? http://legalbeagles.info/forums/show...969#post666969


        • #5
          Re: county court letter PRA/MBNA

          Yes! Thanks so much
          If anyone has any advice it would help me with this , it would be really appreciated.


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