My daughter was diagnosed with bi polar about 2 years ago after many difficult years. She lost many jobs, struggled through Uni and accrued significant debt along the way. Earlier this year she was awarded ESA after being out of work for a considerable time. at the time she was awarded the ESA she was quite unwell and not in receipt of medication. She took a job during this period which lasted a few months but invariably came to an end. Eventually she went back on her medication, moved and secured a good job and a flat. Recently she received a letter from DWP advising her that they had retrieved her records and that she owed £1800 in over paid ESA and she was being prosecuted for benefit fraud. Being as ill as she was she was totally oblivious to what she was doing and now is in a complete panic about the situation. This obviously has not helped her MH and so I am quite keen to have some advice about what she/we should be doing to deal with this. The DWP have become quite heavy handed and have advised that despite awarding the ESA due to her MH, they are not now interested in her MH problems and she has to repay the money. Ant advice would be welcome as not sure where to start with this.
My daughter was diagnosed with bi polar about 2 years ago after many difficult years. She lost many jobs, struggled through Uni and accrued significant debt along the way. Earlier this year she was awarded ESA after being out of work for a considerable time. at the time she was awarded the ESA she was quite unwell and not in receipt of medication. She took a job during this period which lasted a few months but invariably came to an end. Eventually she went back on her medication, moved and secured a good job and a flat. Recently she received a letter from DWP advising her that they had retrieved her records and that she owed £1800 in over paid ESA and she was being prosecuted for benefit fraud. Being as ill as she was she was totally oblivious to what she was doing and now is in a complete panic about the situation. This obviously has not helped her MH and so I am quite keen to have some advice about what she/we should be doing to deal with this. The DWP have become quite heavy handed and have advised that despite awarding the ESA due to her MH, they are not now interested in her MH problems and she has to repay the money. Ant advice would be welcome as not sure where to start with this.