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best way forward with Atos n DWP

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  • #16
    Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

    Right ok here goes, I am a qualified chef, yet not catered for decades, I'm also trained in most aspects of security until they brought out the SIA badge after that I was just ending up in dead end jobs like canvassing for doors n Windows an the likes.
    I really can not remember the last time I was employed it seems so long ago now, with my brain the way it is my memory us not like it used too be over 6 year ago at least ??
    The benefit I am on for about another fortnight is ESA but not the normal one, work related program I get extra money on top for what it's really worth. It were about 2 yr ago I last had a Atos they failed me yet again this time i appealed and won and was done all down the phone ??not heard nowt since until my ex opened my mail and sent me an email saying my appt is on 1st of Aug at stupid o clock in the morning.
    I can't make it as I'm not in the area tryinög to sort my life out best way I can, keep getting fobbed off bk there questioning my intelligence can't deal with it no more.
    For the record I've been to the Grimsby Mind and it no longer there typical but thank you any way yeah xx


    • #17
      Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

      Is there no way you can make the appointment? If not they will probably allow you 1 and one only rearrangement.

      The he problem with BPD is in my experience the person concerned can come across as perfectly OK until what can be the smallest thing triggers a change. I knew a lady with BPD who always seemed lovely caring and capable but talking to her partner could be very very difficult. She was on heavy antidepressants and other controlled drugs. On her good days she was fully aware of how difficult she could be.

      What im saying is you need to evidence how this affects you, all these DWP decision makers look,at is evidence so if you seem bright and cheerful on assessment day that is what they report.

      It it does seem though that you may have a better chance with Atos than capita

      Grimsby Mind is on Kent st and open mon to Friday 9 till 4.30 .

      Are there era any counselling charities in the area, some city centre churches do outreach programmes and if religion leaves you cold don't worry, they will not try to convert you.


      • #18
        Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

        Originally posted by IrieDreadz View Post
        Right ok here goes, I am a qualified chef, yet not catered for decades, I'm also trained in most aspects of security until they brought out the SIA badge after that I was just ending up in dead end jobs like canvassing for doors n Windows an the likes.
        I really can not remember the last time I was employed it seems so long ago now, with my brain the way it is my memory us not like it used too be over 6 year ago at least ??
        The benefit I am on for about another fortnight is ESA but not the normal one, work related program I get extra money on top for what it's really worth. It were about 2 yr ago I last had a Atos they failed me yet again this time i appealed and won and was done all down the phone ??not heard nowt since until my ex opened my mail and sent me an email saying my appt is on 1st of Aug at stupid o clock in the morning.
        I can't make it as I'm not in the area tryinög to sort my life out best way I can, keep getting fobbed off bk there questioning my intelligence can't deal with it no more.
        For the record I've been to the Grimsby Mind and it no longer there typical but thank you any way yeah xx
        ESA regs - argue you have a 'mental disease' which means you cannot work. You're best calling up DWP and speaking to ESA staff. Tell them you need to communicate with the decision maker.


        • #19
          Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

          Originally posted by Openlaw15 View Post
          ESA regs - argue you have a 'mental disease' which means you cannot work. You're best calling up DWP and speaking to ESA staff. Tell them you need to communicate with the decision maker.
          He'd need to put in an appeal and follow the process through ... part of the process is contact with a "decision maker". If all else fails he would then have to appeal to the tribunal :sad:
          Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

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          recte agens confido


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          • #20
            Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

            Been down that route too many times but I've also been trying to live here for the last 3 months to try and rebuild my life, I didn't tell them they don't need to know everything there too damn nosey I'm a very reserved guy the less you know the better it's how I roll do I know I'm jut going myself any favours, but then surely they will see i've been picking up my ESA payments every fortnight from a different place that's not my home town life ??
            I want to come off the corrupt system anyway, Atos was designed to screw the vulnerable over and they have done plenty of that I may suffer with mental health but I'm far from stupid, n that's what my ex used to say because I'm all up there that's why I'm not getting no help🤔🙄bull 💩 Is what I say to that but hey ho she knew all the answers lol


            • #21
              Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

              Originally posted by Kati View Post
              He'd need to put in an appeal and follow the process through ... part of the process is contact with a "decision maker". If all else fails he would then have to appeal to the tribunal :sad:
              No, Katie, he can leapfrog the process - as the secretary of state uses ATOS/ the questionnaire as 'evidence' to prove the person is fit for work. However, other evidence can be used especially in Irie's case where the process is just for its sake, ie there is constructive proof ATOS has not worked. It should be least an automatic 15 points based on the relevant regulations, which would put him in the ESA 'work activity group' (ie they help him get back to work by putting him on certain courses to help his health) unlike JSA type looking for work. He would need to do more to put him in the ESA support group.


              • #22
                Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

                I am already on that been on for nearly 2yrs now and basically just forgotten about
                It seems they can just please themselves and play God with folks lives.
                I just haven't the fight any more truth be told, being homeless is not helping the cause either


                • #23
                  Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

                  So have you contacted Shelter.

                  CAVEAT LECTOR

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                  You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                  Cohen, Herb

                  There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                  gets his brain a-going.
                  Phelps, C. C.

                  "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                  The last words of John Sedgwick


                  • #24
                    Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

                    Originally posted by IrieDreadz View Post
                    I am already on that been on for nearly 2yrs now and basically just forgotten about
                    It seems they can just please themselves and play God with folks lives.
                    I just haven't the fight any more truth be told, being homeless is not helping the cause either
                    Ire, are you currently on ESA 'work related activity' group; or, ESA - 'support group?' The government (ie DWP) have to keep testing you to make sure you're still unfit for work, so ATOS questionnaires/ Working Capability Assessments (WCA) are a regular thing. The time has come to submit evidence that you're still unfit for work. So this is why they're making contact with you. Call DWP and tell them you're still not fit for work and in your view, you should be exempted from WCA, using: ESA Regulations 2008 (as amended by ESA 2012 updates).


                    • #25
                      Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

                      I doubt your average DWP phone person or even a decision maker will know what regulations these are. The decision makers are just regular people with no medical training. Maybe if you could explain exactly what you mean.


                      • #26
                        Re: best way forward with Atos n DWP

                        Originally posted by JulieM View Post
                        I doubt your average DWP phone person or even a decision maker will know what regulations these are. The decision makers are just regular people with no medical training. Maybe if you could explain exactly what you mean.
                        most ordinary DWP staff don't know the rules/regulations (and if you tell them, then they tend to sulk and cause problems )
                        Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

                        It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

                        recte agens confido


                        Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                        I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
                        But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

                        Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


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