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Lowell Issues

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  • Lowell Issues

    Hi There,

    I wonder whether you can advise.

    I got myself into some debts (being young and stupid at the time!) and with the help of citizens advice managed to secure a debt relief order to help to clear the debts so that I can start again.

    A lot of the debts were owned by Lowell's so obviously the insolvency service wrote to them and told them and they have put notes on the account.

    Since this was put into place in March 2016 I have since had letters from Lowell's about two other accounts dating back to 2013 (one a catalog and one an O2 neither of which I recognize!) - when I queried this with them they said they weren't included on the DRO. Upon further investigation I have found that neither of these accounts appeared on my credit file.

    I have asked them to provide proof that these accounts belong to me and so far they have sent me a print out showing a bill actioned and a payment received (no account number, name or anything on it) so this could belong to anyone! And nothing received for the other account.

    They are saying that as far they are concerned I owe the money and they will keep chasing me but I am concerned that why they weren't on my credit file and have suddenly appeared after DRO in place.

    Any advise please?

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  • #2
    Re: Lowell Issues


    I'll tag [MENTION=48934]Debt Camel[/MENTION] to help out on the DRO side of things. As for the evidence, a print out of a bill and payment is not evidence to sufficiently identify you as being the debtor and will most certainly not stand up in court especially if there is no name or account number on it.
    If you have a question about the voluntary termination process, please read this guide first, as it should have all the answers you need. Please do not hijack another person's thread as I will not respond to you
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    • #3
      Re: Lowell Issues

      A debt which is not listed on your DRO is not included in it. One can't be added later.

      The most promising line here would seem to be to dispute that the debts are yours.


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