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Quickquid Pay Day Loan - Default - Collections Department

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  • Quickquid Pay Day Loan - Default - Collections Department

    Can anyone provide some advice regarding a Quickquid loan I defaulted on in October 2012.

    I have tried to contact Quickquid requesting a settlement figure on several occasions, each time they have refused to provide a settlement figure unless I agree to pay the settlement figure there and then. I have pointed out to them that I have limited funds and can not agree to a settlement figure if I do not know if I can afford to pay it. I am assuming they would want my debit card details at the time of the agreement in order to try to immediately process whatever figure they come up with.

    Since my initial contact towards the end of 2015, I have been bombarded with phone calls from Quickquid, all hours of the day and night and even Saturdays and Sundays. I am afraid to answer my phone at times. They call when I am at work demanding payment.
    • Are Quickquid allowed to refuse to provide a settlement figure under the terms stated?
    • Is there anyway I can stop them constantly calling me?

    I do not want to risk having a CCJ issued against me for this debt. When I had finds available to pay an agreed settlement figure they refused to negotiate one with me which would be affordable. Can they do this?

    Many Thanks In Advance.
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  • #2
    Re: Quickquid Pay Day Loan - Default - Collections Department

    [MENTION=48934]Debt Camel[/MENTION];

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    • #3
      Re: Quickquid Pay Day Loan - Default - Collections Department

      There is no legal reason why a creditor should accept a partial settlement or propose one.

      Requesting a settlement figure is not usually a good route to take. You should propose a settlement to them.

      You can reasonably ask them to stop contacting you, but the best way to sort this out is to reach an agreement.

      Did you have other loans from QQ before the one that you defaulted on? If you did, then you could consider if these loans were "affordable" - could you repay them on time and s=be able to meet all your other commitments (bills, expenses and other debt repayments) without borrowing more? If "no", then you may have been given unaffordable loans and may be able to get a refund of some of the interest you paid. See http://debtcamel.co.uk/payday-loan-refunds/ for details and template letters.


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