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Which HCEO to choose?

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  • Which HCEO to choose?

    I've got a judgement against 2 defendants who live in North London and has stolen £20k from me.

    I'm just wondering which HCEO is best and is likely to be most successful while least cost to me?

    I found 3 options:

    TheSherrifsOffice; has bad google reviews but has won Enforcement Team Year of 2015 award. They charge 7.5% only. They're based in Liverpool but also cover London.

    BurlingtonGroup: has no reviews but they look organized - they're not clear on their charges from Defendants and keep saying it depends! - They charge the claimant £50 more than others (£200 instead of £150). They're based on London. They make 3 attempts only. If needed extra I'd have to pay extra!

    DCBltd: has good reviews on google. Takes 50% of whatever they can recover from the defendant. They don't follow legislation on charges rigidly but since they charge more from debtors perhaps they will work harder.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Which HCEO to choose?

    Just because you have Judgment is no guarantee of success in getting your money back. I would guess for the sums involved your defendants may well be versed in how to evade paying particularly with enforcement. You may be better off getting them to appear to explain why they have not paid - Order for Questioning.

    As for which HCEO to use then I would definitely steer clear of any company that has appeared on Channel 5. I would also question the use of Burlingtons as their authorised HCEO rents himself out to the biggest payer. You mention the Sheriffs Office who have now been taken over by HCE Group, they have in the past been very firm & fair. Biggest is not always best and you can only find out by trying - just remember if they are unsuccessful then you also have an Abortive Fee to pay.


    • #3
      Re: Which HCEO to choose?

      I got a Trace Report after the judgement and it shows they live at a different address. Maybe that's why they didn't respond and I got the judgement by default. But they are generally ignorant and it's their problem not to redirect their posts to their new address.

      I'm going to get the Order for Questioning as well but thought doing both at the same time since Order for Questioning takes a long time so first HCEO.

      But on the other hand, it's more kind to them to wait for the Order for Questioning; they stole my money by fraud and assaulted me and ignored me why should I be kind to them!!! Kindness does not work on them!

      If HCEO visits them they will fear and the fear may persuade them to pay back my stolen money that they deny they stole.

      But if they'd be ordered for questioning first, they may claim to set-aside the judgement on the basis that they didn't receive the claim form and they lived at a different address which means the application may go back to court and a hearing will be held so it gets more complicated, lengthy and costly.

      I'd need a strategy that is most effective in persuading them to pay back my money; they were violent and had threatened to kill me if I go to Court - I hope it was a bluff!

      Why do you think is best to do the Order for Questioning first before the HCEO?

      I thought it's better to send HCEO first and they'll be sent letter from High Court and will be visited at their home address so they will know that they'd have to pay or apply to set-aside judgement and paying solicitor costs to go to court so they'll think it'll cost them even more than what has been claimed with not much hope for success for them.

      So I thought it's more persuasive to send HCEO first then Order for Questioning and other methods.

      Please correct if I'm wrong or agree?
      Last edited by Will2050; 10th July 2016, 10:17:AM.


      • #4
        Re: Which HCEO to choose?

        Do you expect them to pay up? problem here is you spend more and maybe get nothing if they have been violent to you in the past do you think this will happen again?


        • #5
          Re: Which HCEO to choose?

          I don't expect them to pay voluntarily because they denied and were violent and have a huge EGO when I showed him my evidences and his text messages and false claims based on which I had agreed to pay him initially.

          He said you don't know me; I've killed another guy (and got away with it) - I will do same to you!!! I've been scared for a year but not taking any action has been more annoying to me than my fear of his attacks so went to court. He claimed to have tens of houses and businesses and have a very rich family - I think he is a criminal and professional tax evader but I don't know for sure.

          I have to do what I can do; hoping for the best & preparing for the worst where possible.


          • #6
            Re: Which HCEO to choose?

            Be very careful if you get any threats contact the police


            • #7
              Re: Which HCEO to choose?

              I will get him arrested this time if they make a threat again. I made a mistake didn't get him arrested when he assaulted me. When it happened, I just went home and cried for many days as I was heartbroken and shocked. I had naively loved them and trusted them and they betrayed me and it was all based on professional lies and deceits that I had failed to spot at the time.

              I'll install CCTV cameras soon which may help as he knows where I live; 2 hours away from him.


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