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This Oscar Pistorius Story .....

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  • This Oscar Pistorius Story .....

    Okay, a break away from home grown issues but am I the only one to see Oscar Pistorius's trials and appeals as a complete debacle and perhaps a reflection of the South African justice system?

    The way I look at it, this man slaughtered a beautiful young woman by the reckless discharge of a gun through ( according to his story ) fear and nothing else. He appears to have been treated like a celebrity throughout and ended up, following appeal of the prosecution, with a sentence of six years which means he will be a free man within 2 years, so it seems.

    Does that sound like justice for the Steenkamp family? Does that sound like justice for society as a whole?

    And while I appreciate that the UK has zero tolerance gun laws ( thank god! ), how would such a trial unfold in the British courts?
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