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Third party solicitors took my details, made no contact, 6 months later took action

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  • Third party solicitors took my details, made no contact, 6 months later took action


    Not sure where to start, I was being represented for a personal injury claim, in a nutshell my claim was abandoned at the court, my fault and I accepted that. I was told I would have to pay the third party's costs, but was never told a court order had been raised.

    A month after the hearing my solicitors chased me for their money, I disputed this, but in the end paid, during this time, circa three months, I had continually asked about the other sides costs, I was informed that I may not get a bill, it depended on my circumstances. The fact is, they never told me about any bill from the third party. However, the third party did contact them and ask for my email and telephone number. It is on record that the other side never once made contact with me, despite having my details. Some six months after having my info, they applied to the court for an interim charging order and were successful.

    As as soon as I got the information from my solicitors I contacted the other side to broker a deal, they initially accepted, although they deny it now, a reduced sum settlement. But, that they could not agree to it in writing because I had mentioned that I was taking my solicitors to the LeO, they maintained that if my claim was successful, I might be awarded the entire cost of their fees and that if a reduced amount had already been agreed, it could have a negative impact on the amount of compensation.

    Many months later the LeO found in my favour, but only awarded £1,000, a fraction of the court fees and no where representative of the damage they had caused me. So, the third party now say they want all thief fees nearly £7k because they have waited too long for a decision, okay my question is this, given that they had my contact details but decided not to make contact, and then issued the ICO six to seven months later, do I have any case against them? It is worth noting that the LeO only applied partial blame to my solicitors because they had passed in my details to the other side.

    any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated
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  • #2
    Re: Third party solicitors took my details, made no contact, 6 months later took acti

    Originally posted by Youcouldntmakeitup View Post
    they applied to the court for an interim charging order and were successful. . . .

    . . . . Many months later the LeO found in my favour, but only awarded £1,000, a fraction of the court fees and no where representative of the damage they had caused me.
    May I ask a quick question before getting down to the nitty gritty of your situation.

    Did the interim charging order progress to a final charging order?

    Is the property in your sole name or in joint names?

    Di x


    • #3
      Re: Third party solicitors took my details, made no contact, 6 months later took acti

      Previous thread here Di, for a bit of background http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...377#post589377

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