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Liability orders after First Tier Decision

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  • Liability orders after First Tier Decision

    Warwick District Council have obtained Liability orders for amounts which are almost twice that deemed due by the First Tier Tribunal. No liability orders have been served on us and we only received a list of figures this week (three years after they were apparently granted) when they used them to go to the County Court to get a charging order. They have consistently refused monthly payments or a lump sum. Surely they should have served these orders on me if they intended to use them in the future?
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  • #2
    Re: Liability orders after First Tier Decision

    tagging [MENTION=15129]Crazy council[/MENTION] [MENTION=8136]outlawlgo[/MENTION]
    Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

    It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

    recte agens confido


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    • #3
      Re: Liability orders after First Tier Decision

      Hi. Will write you as sugested letter back to get the detailsypu need after 5 today. Sorry spelling
      crazy council ( as in local council,NELC ) as a member of the public, i don't get mad, i get even


      • #4
        Re: Liability orders after First Tier Decision


        To help sort this out, you are going to have to ask for some clear details, direct from the head of finance ( stops you getting stuck in a 4 week paperwork trap )

        Ask for a full list of the liability orders, including year charged, amount charged, charges added ( court ), charges added further ) . Ask for the dates when the paperwork was sent to you

        They have consistently refused monthly payments or a lump sum. Surely they should have served these orders on me if they intended to use them in the future?
        Again, not uncommon, just because its not easy for them to account for payments in this way. My Advice

        Back of your CT bill is the councils bank account , ask them for your general reference number ( or the council tax numbers on the claimes ). Just make a standing order from you account to theirs to pay towards your arrears. Once your first payment has been in there account more than a week, tell them then.

        This at least cuts out there option on further actions, If you have some idea of the debt amount , your current CT, i could suggest a payment plan.

        Everyone in finance will probably tell you no, not allowed, will still take action. Just do it, then if they start taking further action whilst you paying, complain to the head of legal about the administration and the head of finance about the costs.
        crazy council ( as in local council,NELC ) as a member of the public, i don't get mad, i get even


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