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Ex partner using my address to take out loans and credit

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  • Ex partner using my address to take out loans and credit

    Hi I broke up with my partner 09/11/15. We lived together in a flat I solely owned however I kicked him out over infidelity. After doing so, I was opened letters he had hidden for 6+ months for his share of the bills he had not paid (water, ground rent) which had gone into the red and on final demand. Myself and my parents paid this and my ex partner said he will be paying me background owe we nothing at all. I do not think I have any claim to this money however I am still receiving debt letters for him and his father (who never lived here) although he claims he changed his address, I found out that he had opened a quick quid account 18/03/16 4 months after we broke up. Is this fraud? And what can I do about it? I have been calling the companies to report that this person does not live here but is there anything I can do?Please help!!
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  • #2
    Re: Ex partner using my address to take out loans and credit

    Anything that turns up in his name should be returned to sender with ‘not known at this address’ slapped across the front. Don’t open it, just refer the postal service to the return address usually on the back. Make sure neither he or his dad are on the electoral roll at that address.
    Re-getting money back – I do not know your position but I am sure someone will be along to advise

    An optimist is someone who falls off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, 'So far so good'!
    ~ Anonymous


    • #3
      Re: Ex partner using my address to take out loans and credit

      Hi there. May i ask have the applications for credit been made in your name alone or jointly?


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