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Deprived a final goodbye.

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  • Deprived a final goodbye.

    Hi, I'm hoping for some advice. To cut a long story short. My mom passed away in March
    After a catalogue of errors by the funeral company we used. The final blow was that we missed moms ashes being scattered as the funeral company didn't specify it on the paperwork for the crematorium. We are devestated and this is irreparable. Do we have a case what can we expect?

    Thank you in advance
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  • #2
    Re: Deprived a final goodbye.


    At times like that one hopes for good professional service.
    Have you complained, verbally and in writing, to the director concerned?
    Are they members of a professional association, which has a code of practice.
    Such associations often have an arbitration scheme which can help?
    You could also complain to trading standards and the Funeral Ombudsman Service.

    Are you looking for damages?
    How do you think they should be qantified?


    • #3
      Re: Deprived a final goodbye.

      What would you expect an apology or compensation


      • #4
        Re: Deprived a final goodbye.

        Originally posted by des8 View Post

        At times like that one hopes for good professional service.
        Have you complained, verbally and in writing, to the director concerned?
        Are they members of a professional association, which has a code of practice.
        Such associations often have an arbitration scheme which can help?
        You could also complain to trading standards and the Funeral Ombudsman Service.

        Are you looking for damages?
        How do you think they should be qantified?

        I was in the process of writing a complaint for lots of other issues we have had. Complete shoddy service. I'm not sure if it's because we were two young ladies they felt the could mess us around from start to finish. And not respect our wishes. When I contacted the crem to arrange when the scattering would be last week. I found out they had gone ahead and done it due to Papworth error. At this point I felt the need to discuss this with a senior member of staff at the funeral directors. Since then 8 have also as requested put it all in writing. 5 pages long. They are now coming to see me at home on Monday which I'm a little nervous about. Two area manages and me feeling emotional and distraught. I am aware I can discuss this with NAFD if I'm not satisfied with their response. Although at this stage I'm just worried about what to expect. I don't feel the need for compensation although I do feel I should at least have a full refund. I was trying to find the details of the ombudsman with no joy as yet.
        Should I be looking for damages? I'm at a loss I don't know where to turn

        - - - Updated - - -


        • #5
          Re: Deprived a final goodbye.

          I don't know what to expect I'm bewildered this has happened and don't know where to turn.


          • #6
            Re: Deprived a final goodbye.

            It's a really crappy thing to have a complaint about as there is simply no way they can make things right. It is good that they are coming to see you and shows they are taking their error seriously. Will your sister? be with you? I'd try and have someone with you for the meeting, just for some support. They will already know how devastating this kind of cock up can be and hopefully already have in mind a way to try and make amends. That the firm are a member of the NAFD is a good sign. Maybe write yourself a list of the main points you want to make at the meeting so you won't get sidetracked and will feel you have had chance to cover all the issues.

            Here's the Funeral Arbitration Scheme info -> http://www.cedr.com/idrs/documents/1...3-nov-2012.pdf

            NAFD details below.
            National Association of Funeral Directors

            618 Warwick Road
            West Midlands
            B91 1AA

            Tel: 0845 230 1343
            Fax: 0121 711 1351
            E-mail: info@nafd.org.uk
            Website: www.nafd.org.uk

            The ombudsman would be for the crematorium, although in your case it sounds like they did act correctly and properly, and it was the funeral directors who let you down and gave the wrong instructions. ( It would be the local government ombudsman, but you would need to complain to the crematorium first, then the council )

            Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

            Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


            • #7
              Re: Deprived a final goodbye.

              Thank you so m7ch for your advise I will take it on board. My sister is at work I'm just about to return from maternity leave so I am available. I will attempt to get someone to be here and make that list this weekend.
              Thanks again


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