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Urgent help with lowells please

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  • Urgent help with lowells please

    Can someone help please. I have received a Claim Form from County Court Business Centre dated 26 April 2016.
    The claimant is Lowell Portfolio Ltd. and the solicitors are Lowell Solicitors Ltd. The original creditor is J D Williams.

    The particulars of the claim are :

    1. The defendant entered into Consumer Credit Act 1974 regulated agreement with JD Williams under a/c ref......

    2. The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a default notice was served and not complied with.

    3. The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on 6.3.2015 and notice given to the Defendant.

    4. Despite repeated requests for payment the sum of £1191.66 remains due and outstanding.

    And the Claimant claims
    a) the said sum of £1191.66
    b) interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8%per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.261, but limited to one year, being £95.33
    c) costs

    This was for a faulty 3 piece suite in the early part of 2013. To cut a long story short, the suite was never collected (despite me contacting numerous tiimes)) and the process has gone on since then.

    I haven't got copies of any letters or emails sent or received from JD Williams.

    Reading your threads, do I need to:

    1. Acknowledge to Court saying I intend to defend all of this claim?

    2. Send CCA request to the claimant enclosing £1?

    3. Send a CPR request to the claimants solicitors?

    I cannot recall receiving any default notice or letter of assignment (I could be wrong because this has driven me mad, with repeated phone calls and annual statements from Lowells, who were not interested in the story behind it, just the monies due, they told me to contact JD Williams again (with whom I obviously had had no joy).

    With grateful thanks in advance

    I posted this a couple of weeks ago (but think it went in the wrong forum as I never got any replies?). I have since acknowledged to the Court saying intend to defend, and sent a CCA request to the claimant enclosing £1. I have now received this a few days ago:

    Have now had a letter from Lowells solicitors saying "Please find enclosed copy of Directions Questionnaire which we have now lodged with the Court. You should have received a copy of same for review and completion. The Court will use the information contained in both our copy and yours to make decisions about how the case should proceed. I f you have any questions or wish to discuss this further please contact us on 0113 ....".

    I have not received a copy of this "for review and completion".

    Am now totally confused, please advise me what to do next, thanks
    Last edited by rehtaeh57; 1st June 2016, 16:15:PM. Reason: put in wrong forum
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