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New Rules of working tax credits

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  • New Rules of working tax credits

    Does anyone know the best place to get independent confidential advice on getting working tax credits under the new rules. I need to get this right as losing the tax credits could cost us 4800 a year and that combined with the 5200 we lost in income streams last year will finish us off
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  • #2
    Re: New Rules of working tax credits

    Originally posted by seduraed View Post
    Does anyone know the best place to get independent confidential advice on getting working tax credits under the new rules. I need to get this right as losing the tax credits could cost us 4800 a year and that combined with the 5200 we lost in income streams last year will finish us off
    have you called the Inland Revenue Service, and if so, what have they said?


    • #3
      Re: New Rules of working tax credits

      Originally posted by Sunnyside
      You could hardly refer to the IRS as either independent or a provider of confidential advice. MSE publish a helpful guide: http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/fam...erpayment#work

      See also this: http://revenuebenefits.org.uk/tax-cr...t/wtc-elements

      The CAB should also be able to help.
      My point is you, at first ask the IRS if the person is eligible under the new rules and if not, why not. Then you ask what is the relevant law and you research that relevant law, starting with the Tax Credits Act as the main legislation with a view to locate any relevant secondary legislation, ie new regulations. If the law changes though the law changes and it's not about getting independent advice as the law is the law.


      • #4
        Re: New Rules of working tax credits



        • #5
          Re: New Rules of working tax credits

          Originally posted by enaid View Post
          Well the IRS was its former name and lots of people will still know it by the IRS.


          • #6
            Re: New Rules of working tax credits

            Originally posted by Sunnyside
            The law is the law but you need to know what it means and how it applies to your particular case. All primary and secondary legislation is available here: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ so it's not a question of reading it but understanding and applying it. If it was as easy as that, there would be no need for lawyers, let alone advice centres.

            Your chosen username gives the impression that you may be an OU law student and thus, able to find, read and interpret statute law and regulations. Many who are not legally trained may not find it as easy to "translate" what the law actually says, hence the need for guides such as the ones linked to above, as well as places like the CABs, most of which are quite good when it comes to general benefits and tax credits issues. More complex cases involving capability assessments, PIP, etc. may need more specialised advice.
            I actually I use this name Openlaw in a deeper sense - as the rule of law should be transparent (ie open, clear). Well, when the Op comes here with their specific facts, and hopefully the Parliament Act or its accompanies regulation/s title, or number, we can perhaps read it and apply it for them. We can only provide our view, that is our opinion on the law/ its terms interpretation as I/ we interpret it.


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