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Welcome travelgirl

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  • Welcome travelgirl

    Hello travelgirl and welcome to Legal Beagles.
    Please have a look round and if you need any help with anything give a shout, someone will soon be along to help you.
    If you have an ongoing claim, or a problem you need answers to, then you can start a thread in the appropriate forum. Once again if you need help doing this just ask.
    When you have settled in, if you feel like a chat we have the Legal Beagle Chatroom, or there is The Lamp Post for off topic threads. Hope to speak soon Enaid x

  • #2
    Re: Welcome travelgirl

    hello enaid, good morning ty for your post have a good day

    i go away to spain this afternoon for a week so if you dont see me you know i am away ty


    • #3
      Re: Welcome travelgirl

      You lucky lady, have a lovely time, I'll be going myself soon so I am not turning green at the mo


      • #4
        Re: Welcome travelgirl

        I wannnaaaaaa holidayyyyyyyyyyyy :Cry:

        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


        • #5
          Re: Welcome travelgirl

          Well Hello

          You certainly live up to your name jetting off to the sun

          After youve had you hols and come back all refreshed (unless youve got kids and need another hol to recover)

          We will be here to help you in whatever way we can



          • #6
            Re: Welcome travelgirl


            Here at last! Welcome.

            We are refining the hardship letter at the moment so should be finished soon . So then you can start a thread - I will post up your summary and then you can add what you want. We cant make any promises but we will do our best to help you as much as we can.

            Speak to you again soon

            "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

            "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


            • #7
              Re: Welcome travelgirl

              Have a good time as well in spain - I know not exactly a holiday but the change will do you good.

              "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

              "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


              • #8
                Re: Welcome travelgirl

                posted on behalf of travel girl - who will be back soon

                I have been referred here by “Scooby”
                Here is an out line of my case.
                I started my claim in around May 07. The total amount of charges I am claiming is £3117.02
                Our only income is disability and mobility allowance and I got myself into a difficult situation when the charges started to accumulate on the charges in Jan 07 and I had no way of repaying them. The Abbey continued to charge me although my only income was that stated above.
                I have a letter that also acknowledges that some of the original charges originated by a mistake of the bank.
                I started the court process in june 2007
                I tried with help to prepare the court bundle and spread sheets for a court hearing on 7th July . I found the whole process extremely difficult and stressful and was very worried that I would have to go to court. Which made me feel very ill.
                I also in my paperwork tried my best to point out that they should not be using my only income to increase the amount of charges as I was being left with no money to live on.
                On the 18th june I was contacted by the Abbey debt collection section asking me to repay the debt that had accrued through charges. I again explained my financial position -but to no avail.
                Then I had this letter from Blackpool court
                the parties are to attempt settlement.

                on or before the 17th aug 2007 one of the following steps must be taken
                the claimant must notify the court that the whole claim has been settled see note 1 below
                the claimant or defendant must write to the court requesting an extension of the stay period explaning the steps being taken towards settlement and identfying any mediator expert or other person helping with the process the letter should confirm the agreement of all other parties

                note 1
                where settlement of the claim is achieved before the end of the period of stay the following will be taken to include an application for the stay to be lifted

                During this period of tie I was still receiving letters from Abbey debt collection demanding repayment of debt.
                On 23rd July I was advised my account had been closed in June without my knowledge
                10th August I was told Abbey had requested a stay and I did a letter from the website objecting to the stay. Stating again as part of the reason that I was a severe hardship case due to them taking all my benefits which were my only income. At this point I was being seen by the doctor for stress.
                On 28th August I wrote to Abbey again explaining in great detail our hardship position - We had PPI which ran out after a year and then depended on sickneess and mobility allowances - had to sell our house and then rent it back. Also because of the charges we had to take out a loan to live on. I literally had no money to buy sanitary wear - that’s how bad it got. How demeaning to have to explain that.
                I then had a hearing set to hear about the lifting of the stay in January 08
                In dec I sent a letter to Abbey and the FOS again outlining my severe situation based on the fact that the FSA had stated hardship cases should be identified and at least considered ( I believe a copy of this suggested letter has been posted on here) The FOS acknowledged my letter. I tried everything to avoid the court hearing.
                Here is an extract of another letter I wrote to Abbey late DEC 07
                “am disappointed with abbey who they closed my account without telling me in june 2007-12-28 please could you be kind enough to email me or fax to tell me if these social security benefits acts are correct or not , if not I would like to know why it is printed on paper?

                I am upset by all this which isnt helping my health at all abbey are to attend court with me on 8th jan 2008 and I feel I just cannot cope anylonger as this has been going on since december 2006 I did on one occasion go to my doctoers and told him I just feel like doing myself in with all my health probs angina I cannot feel I can cope anylonger with them and inga and ronan.

                I am sorry to burden you with this but it is how I am feeling
                Enclosed is letters I have from inga.kirkman also as I told her by email that I have got replies eventully after me continuing to email fax but I have not had a reply from the hardship letter I sent to both themselves and yourselfs on 6th dec 2007-12-28 thanking you so much for your time and effort in helping me with this case I feel I can no longer carry on .”

                I then was lucky enough to have a member of CAG go with me to court as it was making me ill. He spoke on my behalf. The judge said he would not rule on the Abbey taking my benefits in charges as that would have to be decided in a different case and he had no guidance . The court let the stay remain.
                At this point my claim was for £3117.02
                Since then I have still been writing letters to FOS and Abbey ( who offered me advice on how to maintain my account -WHICH they in fact closed without my knowledge!!!)
                This is a brief summary of my position.

                "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                • #9
                  Re: Welcome travelgirl

                  Travel girl - Hardship claim - Legal Beagles

                  Have copied over to new thread in hardship forum

                  Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                  Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                  • #10
                    Re: Welcome travelgirl

                    Hiya travelgirl, and welcome to LB

                    I do remember you from OTR and especially from Simons threads...... I know you will be in good hands over here as they are dedicated to helping the financial hardship cases.



                    • #11
                      Re: Welcome travelgirl

                      good afternoon everyone many thankyous to you all for your help ansd esp to scooby xxxxxx
                      we went to benamaleda a welldeserved break weather was lovely ty
                      well i am slowly finding my way roung but have posted lots in my thread here at LB, i hope if and when you have time maybe you will pop in before i send and fill in the income & expenditure again.......
                      i dont know if i put my dissability benefit i get now or do i do it when they taook the charges out of DLA SDFA mobility?
                      still it is all in my thread tyvvm
                      hi d
                      hugs to all


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