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Bailiffs Wrong street right postcode

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  • Bailiffs Wrong street right postcode

    Hi there
    wonder if you can help us
    sorry about the typing i am disabled.
    when my partner lived in another flat before moving in here with me he must have had a catalogue. this was about six years ago that he moved in with me.
    apparently the debt has been outstanding and he forgot and they have been billing the wrong address for it. so we had no idea and no opportunity to make any payments, it is ages ago. just today we got a letter with the wrong street on it (I have had this trouble for years as for some reason mail is often directed to the wrong places. had the trouble with bt once too and ended up losing me phone number.
    it is amazing that we even got the letter, i think the mailman just recognized his name and did us a favour of putting it in my box. it is still under the wrong street and i don't think that there is that number on that street. anyway apparently it went to court and he has this bailiffs letter. we are on benefits as he looks after me 24/7 and cannot work because of this. they are wanting a sizeable wedge of money up front then over three hundred pounds therafter and we dont know how they want the after payment either cos if a lump sum we don't have it.
    could you give us any advice as we don't know what to do. we can borrow the first hundred and eighty but after that we dont have over three hundred to pay. would have asked the court for installments if we had got the papers.
    please help
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  • #2
    Re: Bailiffs Wrong street right postcode

    Has he checked his credit file to see if a CCJ is registered against him? If so when? Is the Bailiff letter from the County Court Bailiff?


    • #3
      Re: Bailiffs Wrong street right postcode

      Originally posted by ploddertom View Post
      Has he checked his credit file to see if a CCJ is registered against him? If so when? Is the Bailiff letter from the County Court Bailiff?

      HI there and thanks for your reply.
      No idea how to check on a CCJ being filed.

      The letter was from the court bailiffs yes. He called them, they gave him the number of the solicitors of the company that got the judgement and he phoned them and they apologized. He then made an arrangement to pay weekly. However I am not sure if there are court costs on it or anything. Still a bit in the dark.

      Where do we call, the County Court? A form to set it aside said £50 to send in? Cannot afford that.

      cheers again


      • #4
        Re: Bailiffs Wrong street right postcode

        Originally posted by ladydawny View Post
        HI there and thanks for your reply.
        No idea how to check on a CCJ being filed. Go to Registry Trust http://www.trustonline.org.uk/ - there is a small fee to pay or alternatively try one of the Credit Reference Agencies - Noddle is completely free.

        The letter was from the court bailiffs yes. He called them, they gave him the number of the solicitors of the company that got the judgement and he phoned them and they apologized. He then made an arrangement to pay weekly. However I am not sure if there are court costs on it or anything. Still a bit in the dark. To have made an application to use the County Court Bailiff will have added £100 to the debt that was initially owed.

        Where do we call, the County Court? A form to set it aside said £50 to send in? Cannot afford that. See below.

        cheers again
        If he knew nothing about this and was denied the chance of sorting it out then there is a possibility he could apply to have the Judgment Set Aside, however the chances are he would have to show he can pay in its entireity. This is done on Form N244 from HMCTS website and can cost up to £255 - if on a low wage or certain Benefits then he may be able to claim exemption - see Forms EX160a & EX160c for details. Alternatively providing he is happy paying weekly and is sure he will not miss a payment then he could carry on paying. If the payment is too much then he would need to apply for a Variation Order whereby the Court can set the level of payment, he would also apply to Suspend the Warrant on the same form as the use of the County Court Bailiff is still "live" and could be instructed again following a missed payment - all done on Form N245 and again exemption in part or in full is possible,


        • #5
          Re: Bailiffs Wrong street right postcode

          Originally posted by ploddertom View Post
          If he knew nothing about this and was denied the chance of sorting it out then there is a possibility he could apply to have the Judgment Set Aside, however the chances are he would have to show he can pay in its entireity. This is done on Form N244 from HMCTS website and can cost up to £255 - if on a low wage or certain Benefits then he may be able to claim exemption - see Forms EX160a & EX160c for details. Alternatively providing he is happy paying weekly and is sure he will not miss a payment then he could carry on paying. If the payment is too much then he would need to apply for a Variation Order whereby the Court can set the level of payment, he would also apply to Suspend the Warrant on the same form as the use of the County Court Bailiff is still "live" and could be instructed again following a missed payment - all done on Form N245 and again exemption in part or in full is possible,

          Would like to thank you for all the good information you have posted. My advocate has seemingly dropped off the planet and I cannot seem to get in touch. I cannot deal with these things so need to find him or one quite fast. My husband is as bad if not worse than me at handling stuff/admin, but I shall have to get someone to come and see what can be done to get back that court costs thing when we are paying off the debt.

          Thanks again


          • #6
            Re: Bailiffs Wrong street right postcode

            Originally posted by Sunnyside
            You can apply for remission of the court fee so you don't have to pay the fee in the first place. If you are on benefits, you are likely to qualify as long as you have less than £3,000 in savings. This is a link to the actual form: http://www.lease-advice.org/wp-conte...ng-2015.10.pdf This is the guide to filling in the form: https://www.gov.uk/government/upload...g-20160212.pdf You would use the form above to avoid having to pay the fee to apply to suspend the warrant, which is done using this form: https://www.moneyclaimsuk.co.uk/PDFForms/N245.pdf That would be the £50 you refer to. You'd need to fill in your financial details and make a repayment offer. People who rely solely on benefits usually make an offer of £1 a month. You would also apply for remission of the court fee if you wanted to apply for the judgment to be set aside. This is a bit more complicated and only worth doing if you had a valid defence to the judgment and had not received the claim form.
            That is very helpful, thank you Sunnyside


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lousy
              Well, there are many ways to find out the right postal code. Personally, I use this site https://worldpostalcode.com/united-states/nebraska/. It's easy to surf, there are addresses from all over the globe. Pretty useful resource so I think it might help.
              Thanks LOUSY, the link gives a new meaning to cold canvassing.


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