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Halifax TMPP Claim

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  • Halifax TMPP Claim


    Back in 2014 I put in a claim against my Halifax TMPP plan which I took out when I had my mortgage.
    I received back a letter (which is attached) from Halifax saying that I do not qualify. At the time I thought oh well and thought nothing of it, but recently I was looking around different sites and have seen that maybe the Halifax just send out a standard letter of rejection and hope like I did just forget about it.

    Do you think that I may be able to re-open this complaint and if so would I be in with a chance to claim back anything.


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  • #2
    Re: Halifax TMPP Claim

    Hi dimmers!

    Having read the attached letter, the Halifax is stating that their TMPP, Total Mortgage Protection Plan, can be tailored to suit your requirements. They state that you had not in fact selected the MRC component of this plan ( Mortgage Repayment Cover ) and this is the PPI equivalent in question.

    The TMPP components that you did include were LC, Life Cover, a fixed sum paid on death and CIC, Critical Illness Cover, again a lump sum payable on being diagnosed with a critical illness. Neither of these components can be classed as PPI as they are underwritten on death or serious illness only and are not designed to pay mortgage repayments in the event of unemployment or periods of sickness ( not involving a critical illness ).

    I cannot see where you can go with this as they state you held no PPI cover ( in their words Mortgage Repayment Cover ). Your only defence against that will obviously be that you hold paperwork that states otherwise, and they have indeed mentioned this in their letter. Do you hold such evidence that your TMPP did in fact contain MRC?


    • #3
      Re: Halifax TMPP Claim

      Hi Snoopy1948,
      Thanks for replying. I will have to go through my paperwork to see MRC is mentioned, if so i'll get back to you.

      Thanks again


      • #4
        Re: Halifax TMPP Claim

        Hi, I would most certainly reopen this complaint, i had a refusal back in 2014, but halifax have actually contacted me, telling me they are going to look at it again...:tinysmile_twink_t2:
        Originally posted by dimmers View Post
        Originally posted by dimmers View Post

        Back in 2014 I put in a claim against my Halifax TMPP plan which I took out when I had my mortgage.
        I received back a letter (which is attached) from Halifax saying that I do not qualify. At the time I thought oh well and thought nothing of it, but recently I was looking around different sites and have seen that maybe the Halifax just send out a standard letter of rejection and hope like I did just forget about it.

        Do you think that I may be able to re-open this complaint and if so would I be in with a chance to claim back anything.




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