Hi. About 5 years ago I made a claim for PPI refund against HSBC using a 'specialised' firm. HSBC rejected the claim but without my knowledge the firm I used did not refer to the Ombudsman within the 6 months window. Having recently watched TV programme, the expert said that if your claim had initially been rejected you were able to try again and it would be best to do it yourself. I therefore resent the claim to HSBC and they again rejected it out of hand and said the case was closed and they wouldn't respond at all to further correspondence. I then referred the matter to the Ombudsman and they have emailed saying that as I didn't go to them within 6 months of my initial claim ( the one using the firm) the bank don't have to consider the matter unless I have additional info. I am very frustrated! Any advice please? Should I state to the Ombudsman that the reason I went no further 5 years ago was due to the incompetence of the 'specialised' firm? The Ombudsman website suggests I could ask for a review by another officer if I am not happy with their original decision. I don't know what to do.