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Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

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  • Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

    Hi All

    I am new to this site and am hoping/wondering if anybody could help with the attachments I have received as I find myself in a situation when I spend all day trying to find right answers/acts/notices/cca etc and it is just simply mind blowing and confusing so I feel I am going round in circles and spending soooo much time not getting anywhere.....I know I need to do something fast as I feel the debt collector may take me to court ......thank you so much in advance
    Attached Files
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  • #2
    Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

    to LB [MENTION=81735]possy[/MENTION] ... can you give us a bit more info on the debt (and what you sent to PRA for them to send the attached letter)??

    K xx
    Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

    It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

    recte agens confido


    Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

    I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
    But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

    Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


    • #3
      Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

      Hi Kati

      Thank you soooo much for your reply .....I was advised by a frend to send internet templates of letters /copyrights I have already sent 2 x copyrights and am so scared of them taking me to court.....It has been mentioned about exemption cca but I just simply do not understand even after reading it.....I am intelligent but it has always taken me long time to actually understand what various articles are actually saying or even if they actually apply to myself ....thank you


      • #4
        Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

        Good evening, welcome to LB.
        Just what " common law " have you been quoting?

        If it's " Freeman/men on/ of the land theories these are internationally discredit and have absolutely
        no effect in UK Civil Law.

        It would be of assistance if you could give us the full history of the alleged debt and what have sent to PRA,



        • #5
          Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

          P.s Sorry Kati.....The alleged debt is just under £10,000 (due to being made redundant twice in 18mths) I have heard horrid stories of how pra group deal with people in court and if they take me to court that apparently the majistrates re NOT interested in what we have to say but are there for the debt collectors x


          • #6
            Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

            sorry do you mind if I ask are you solicitors? because I find al this confusing at moment and finding it difficult on who to trust ...sorry please don't take it the wrong way


            • #7
              Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

              Originally posted by possy View Post
              Hi Kati

              Thank you soooo much for your reply .....I was advised by a frend to send internet templates of letters /copyrights I have already sent 2 x copyrights and am so scared of them taking me to court.....It has been mentioned about exemption cca but I just simply do not understand even after reading it.....I am intelligent but it has always taken me long time to actually understand what various articles are actually saying or even if they actually apply to myself ....thank you
              could you possibly give me a link to the template letters you sent?? (it will help us advise you on what to do next )

              Originally posted by possy View Post
              P.s Sorry Kati.....The alleged debt is just under £10,000 (due to being made redundant twice in 18mths) I have heard horrid stories of how pra group deal with people in court and if they take me to court that apparently the majistrates re NOT interested in what we have to say but are there for the debt collectors x
              Have PRA threatened court action yet?? How old is the debt (last payment/acknowledgement etc...)?? WHAT was the debt (loan/credit card/overdraft/hp etc...)?? Who was the original creditor??

              *a lot of questions I know, but ... the more detail we have, the better we can advise* xx

              - - - Updated - - -

              Originally posted by possy View Post
              sorry do you mind if I ask are you solicitors? because I find al this confusing at moment and finding it difficult on who to trust ...sorry please don't take it the wrong way
              no offence taken we are not all solicitors (quite a lot of the Beagles are just normal people who advise/help because they understand the process etc...) rest assured tho', you are in safe hands here on LB xx
              Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

              It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

              recte agens confido


              Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

              I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
              But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

              Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


              • #8
                Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

                Originally posted by possy View Post
                P.s Sorry Kati.....The alleged debt is just under £10,000 (due to being made redundant twice in 18mths) I have heard horrid stories of how pra group deal with people in court and if they take me to court that apparently the majistrates re NOT interested in what we have to say but are there for the debt collectors x
                This is a civil law case which will be dealt with (if it gets that far) by District Judge sitting at a County Court Hearing Centre near to where you live.

                What type of account of account does the alleged debt arise from?

                An unsecured loan, a credit card/ hire purchase account/ store card/catalogue?



                • #9
                  Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

                  Hi Kati

                  Pra have not as yet threatened court action but looks likely, they have put account on hold until they either get original agreement/recostituated agreement (post 2007) the debt is approx. 18mths old, was with Barclays but pra now own rights (so they say but I have not seen any evidence of this) debt was credit card, last payment made approx.:18mths ago ..thank you for being there right now x


                  • #10
                    Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

                    hi Nemesis45 thank you for reply...can you see reply I sent to Kati? as the answers to your question is in there x


                    • #11
                      Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

                      - Do you recognise the debt they are chasing, and is it yours?

                      - What type of debt? OK. Credit Card

                      - Did the letter you sent, other dubious legal aspects of it to one side, contain a request under s77-9 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 for a copy credit agreement and statement of account, with a £1 fee included?

                      - If a credit agreement (loan/card/HP), when was the agreement first taken out?


                      • #12
                        Re: Panic ...Please help with advice on debt collector letter

                        Originally posted by possy View Post
                        Hi Kati

                        Pra have not as yet threatened court action but looks likely, they have put account on hold until they either get original agreement/recostituated agreement (post 2007) the debt is approx. 18mths old, was with Barclays but pra now own rights (so they say but I have not seen any evidence of this) debt was credit card, last payment made approx.:18mths ago ..thank you for being there right now x
                        OK Possy Have you sent PRA a proper CCA request for a copy of the agreement? ( see template in the forum library) with the £1 statutory fee?

                        Please let us the templates you have sent already, some of these published on the internet can be misconstrued as admission of liability.



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