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Bailiffs attending my old address..

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  • Bailiffs attending my old address..

    Hi there,

    My tenant just received a notice of attendance meant for me - I dont live at the property any more, but the car (that is attached to the PCN is still registered there).

    So... I've emailed the bailiffs informing them that I'm not there and offering a couple of payment options (reduced ones admittedly, but reasonable nonetheless). The bailiffs are refusing to email me back saying they will only communicate via mobile phone - is that allowed? surely they could email?

    Can they still go around and harass my tenant? Surely not if she has an AST, utility bills in her name and I.D?

    Your thoughts appreciated.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

    Are any of the goods at that address owned by you? If so then they could potentially take those away. No doubt the reason why they will only communicate by conversation is so that they can say what they want which mayotherwise be considered unlawful. Corresponding by email is certainly not unreasonable or alternatively by letter. You could point out that you wish to document discussions in the event that you take any further action. Their refusal to correspond by email is unreasonable but offer to correspond by letter instead.
    If you have a question about the voluntary termination process, please read this guide first, as it should have all the answers you need. Please do not hijack another person's thread as I will not respond to you
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    • #3
      Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

      Hello... The only good are a built in oven / fridge and washing machine - everything else is the tenants... I thought that they were not allowed to remove white goods?

      I will offer to correspond by letter too - although I am in Cyprus so not sure how that will work out...

      Surely if I am being reasonable and attempting to communicate with them over a payment - the courts would look favourably on this?


      • #4
        Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

        Are you sure they are "bailiffs" and not just "debt collectors" (there is a difference )??

        Could you name the company? and give us more info on the debt (pcn)? Has it been to court etc...
        Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

        It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

        recte agens confido


        Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

        I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
        But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

        Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


        • #5
          Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

          [MENTION=9189]bizzybob[/MENTION] [MENTION=26498]ploddertom[/MENTION] ... any advice??
          Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

          It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

          recte agens confido


          Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

          I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
          But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

          Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


          • #6
            Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

            My tenant emailed me a 'Notice of Attendance' from Task Enforcement who are acting on behalf of the London borough in which I got the PCN (I did initially get the original PCN - I just thought 'sod it!' cos I was leaving the country!)

            I assume its been to court? I have no idea actually... The only reason they are bugging my tenant is because my old car is still registered to my address...(I know, I know, I am actually selling the car today)


            • #7
              Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

              Can you email me the NoA you received (see my signature) and I'll post it up redacted?? It might help the Beagles give you better advice xx
              Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

              It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

              recte agens confido


              Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

              I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
              But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

              Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


              • #8
                Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

                Hi, not sure how to email it to you... (sorry, first time on here)

                What's the difference between 'notice of attendance' and 'notice of enforcement'??

                The notice of attendance states that 'despite previous notices in respect of an outstanding court warrant, you have failed to pay the outstanding sums due. An enforcement Agent attended today to take control of your goods to cover the PCN and costs'. By the way, this is the first notice that has been received...


                • #9
                  Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

                  Originally posted by Loulou999 View Post
                  Hi, not sure how to email it to you... (sorry, first time on here)
                  you could forward the email/attachment to my email address (kati@legalbeagles.info) and I'll post it up xx

                  Originally posted by Loulou999 View Post
                  What's the difference between 'notice of attendance' and 'notice of enforcement'??

                  The notice of attendance states that 'despite previous notices in respect of an outstanding court warrant, you have failed to pay the outstanding sums due. An enforcement Agent attended today to take control of your goods to cover the PCN and costs'. By the way, this is the first notice that has been received...

                  A notice of enforcement is the letter that you should receive first ... telling you that the bailiffs have been asked to collect the debt.
                  The notice of enforcement must:
                  • contain all the information and the wording shown in the example below
                  • give you at least seven days' notice before bailiff action starts, not including the day the notice is issued, the day of the visit, Sundays, bank holidays, Good Friday or Christmas Day, unless the bailiff has a court order allowing them to give you less notice. For example, if the notice of enforcement is issued on a Tuesday, the earliest the bailiff can visit is the Thursday of the following week
                  • be sent to you in writing by post or hand delivery to your home or business, by fax or email, by fixing the notice prominently to your premises if you don't have a letterbox, or by being given to you in person.

                  If the notice of enforcement doesn't keep to these rules, you can complain to the bailiff firm and ask them to put their action on hold while they issue a new notice.

                  Information a notice of enforcement should contain

                  A bailiff's notice of enforcement must contain the following information:
                  your name and address
                  the reference number for your case
                  the date the notice was made
                  details of the court judgement, court order or other power which has given the bailiff authority to act against you
                  enough details of the debt being chased to allow you to identify it, for example the name of the creditor and the type of debt
                  the amount of debt you owe, including any interest that was due up to the date the notice was issued
                  any bailiff's fees that can be added up to the date the notice was issued
                  details of any more bailiff's fees you may become liable for if you don't pay the debt back by a certain date
                  the date and time by which you must pay what you owe, in order to stop the bailiffs taking any further action
                  the times and days during which you can make this payment
                  a contact telephone number and address for the bailiff's firm, including their opening hours.

                  If any of this information is missing from the notice of enforcement, it may not be valid. You may be able to get the bailiff action stopped.
                  A notice of attendance is the letter that shows the bailiff has been to the property ... this should only happen AFTER you have received the first one!!
                  Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

                  It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

                  recte agens confido


                  Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                  I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
                  But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

                  Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


                  • #10
                    Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

                    Thanks Kati, I have emailed you.

                    I want to make a complaint about task enforcement - but who to? They have not followed due process and I also want to see a breakdown of their costs.

                    Furthermore, if my tenant has utility bills / I.D / tenancy agreement stating property is let unfurnished then they cant bother her can they?


                    • #11
                      Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

                      Got it xx

                      You could try emailing a complaint to them ... and reminding them you do not live in the UK at the same time:
                      TASK Enforcement Ltd

                      Email: service@taskenforcement.co.uk
                      Phone: 0845 680 0581
                      Fax: 020 8498 3384
                      PO Box 66480
                      London E17 0PB
                      Was this a Transport For London PCN?? If so ... there's some info (in the pdf attachment below) from TfL's website that might be useful depending on how up to date it is xx
                      Attached Files
                      Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

                      It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

                      recte agens confido


                      Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                      I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
                      But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

                      Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


                      • #12
                        Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

                        Its not actually a TFL PCN, its a London L.A PCN.

                        Quite frankly, they (the enforcement agents) can do one - its just my tenant I'm worried about, she's a lovely girl and I dont want her upset by them... If she evidences who she is and has utility bills etc in her name then they have to leave her alone dont they?


                        • #13
                          Re: Bailiffs attending my old address..

                          Originally posted by Loulou999 View Post
                          Its not actually a TFL PCN, its a London L.A PCN.

                          Quite frankly, they (the enforcement agents) can do one - its just my tenant I'm worried about, she's a lovely girl and I dont want her upset by them... If she evidences who she is and has utility bills etc in her name then they have to leave her alone dont they?
                          If you (and she) can prove that you do not live there, I cannot see how the bailiff can enforce at that address ... hopefully the Beagles I tagged will be on soon to advise further xx
                          Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

                          It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

                          recte agens confido


                          Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                          I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
                          But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

                          Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


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