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unfair dismissal query

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  • unfair dismissal query


    Iam writing this on behalf of my husband who is feeling too shockedand upset to do anything.

    Acouple of weeks ago he was summoned to a meeting at work and withoutany warning he was informed that due to the fact the company werenot happy with his work on a project he was working on he was beingdismissed. An HR manager read a statement to him and he was told toclear his desk. He was given no opportunity to put his case at all.

    Thisseemed unbelievable to me, as I thought he would be protected againstthis somehow. However, a solicitor has told him that basically, as hehas not yet been working for the company for two years, he has norights to take his employer to a Tribunal unless it is clear that hehas suffered obvious discrimination.

    Itis clear to me that the employer has exploited this situation becausethere have been several meetings about strategy changes, outsourcingvarious roles etc. This has in my opinion just been an easy way toget rid of someone who does not fit into their plans The employer hasnot followed the Acas code at all, but apparently this code is notstatutory. I had assumed that you had to have a verbal warning,written warning, have the opportunity to defend yourself, right tohave someone accompany you to a disciplinary hearing, right toappeal. Apparently not. Basically that says to me that an employercan do more or less what they choose before you have 2 years service.

    Hehas had nothing in writing from the company, but apparently myhusband has no right to have anything in writing until he has 2 yearsservice?

    WhileI accept the fact that he does not meet the qualifying two years totake this to a tribunal, could we not claim that he has beendiscriminated against because the company did not follow its owndisciplinary policy in dismissing him?

    Theother thing that worries me is his reference. He has written to HRand asked about references and they sent a very curt reply saying 'Your reference would have dates of employment and reason for leavingwhich in your case would be dismissal.' In my opinion that would makeit very unlikely for another employer to consider him for employment.

    Iunderstand that what the employer would be writing on the referencewould be factual, but I also understand from my extensive internetresearch is that 'anyoneproviding a reference has a duty to take reasonable care not to givemisleading information about the employee and should avoid includingfacts or opinions in such a manner that would create a false ormistaken inference in the mind of the prospective employer.' Mybelief that anyone who read 'dismissal' on a reference would probablymake all sorts of assumptions. They probably wouldn't realise that hewould have cause to go to a Tribunal if he met the 2 year qualifyingperiod!!

    Anyadvice as to what to do next would be greatly appreciated...

    Thank you
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  • #2
    Re: unfair dismissal query

    Hi Towthorpe & welcome to Legal Beagles

    What was his employment 'status'?

    Contract of service?

    Contract for services?

    @mariefab & @teaboy2

    This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

    You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
    Cohen, Herb

    There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
    gets his brain a-going.
    Phelps, C. C.

    "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
    The last words of John Sedgwick


    • #3
      Re: unfair dismissal query

      Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
      Hi Towthorpe & welcome to Legal Beagles

      What was his employment 'status'?

      Contract of service?

      Contract for services?

      @mariefab & @teaboy2
      He was a permanent employee and had 20 months service.


      • #4
        Re: unfair dismissal query

        Unfortunately the solicitor is correct.
        To claim unfair dismissal you usually need 2 years service. The reason given, 'not happy with his work' isn't included in the exceptions. Discrimination, in this context, only applies if the reason was connected to his sex, disability, race etc.
        Long shot- had your husband recently made a written complaint to his employer?


        • #5
          Re: unfair dismissal query

          Originally posted by mariefab View Post
          Unfortunately the solicitor is correct.
          To claim unfair dismissal you usually need 2 years service. The reason given, 'not happy with his work' isn't included in the exceptions. Discrimination, in this context, only applies if the reason was connected to his sex, disability, race etc.
          Long shot- had your husband recently made a written complaint to his employer?

          Hi there.
          No he hadn't and we appreciate we can't go to Tribunal. Is there nothing else we can do tho?? It is the fact that they are insisting on putting 'dismissal' on his reference that we are most concerned about. Clutching at straws here...but doesn't the fact that they didn't follow their own disciplinary procedures mean they discriminated against him?


          • #6
            Re: unfair dismissal query

            I'm afraid that they can put whatever they like on the reference, as long as it's true.
            Discrimination is basically less favourable treatment because of a protected characteristic. So, unless the reason that they didn't follow their own disciplinary procedures was because he's male, disabled etc. there's no discrimination here.


            • #7
              Re: unfair dismissal query

              He can claim for wrongful dismissal of he has less than 2 years of service. He is likely to get his notice pay


              • #8
                Re: unfair dismissal query

                Thank you. It looks like if you have been working for someone for less than 2 years, they have the power to completely destroy your chances of getting further employment then. I never would have believed it. :-(


                • #9
                  Re: unfair dismissal query

                  Originally posted by Towthorpe View Post
                  Thank you. It looks like if you have been working for someone for less than 2 years, they have the power to completely destroy your chances of getting further employment then. I never would have believed it. :-(
                  Yes that's very true. I'm in a similar situation and finding a new job isn't easy. Don't despair nonetheless- it's an experience shared by many people and something will come and God will surely punish those that intend to destroy the lives of others.


                  • #10
                    Re: unfair dismissal query

                    Thank you so much for your kind words. I really hope and pray that something comes your way soon. :-)
                    Take care


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