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Unfair Dismissal?

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  • Unfair Dismissal?

    Hi, here's my situation and I was hoping someone could advise whether I have some recourse. It's a convoluted story so I've tried to keep it as brief as possible but feel free to ask for clarifying details.

    The short version is: As a result of a business that I founded having lost a major revenue stream, I was made redundant from a company I founded and I was paid 4 months salary in lieu . I have since learnt that the company is continuing to operate as it was beforehand.

    I realise that, to a large extent, this is my fault as I've agreed to some terrible deals along the way. However, I have been advised throughout by people with serious conflicts of interest.


    • I founded an online advertising company with 2 friends. The business owned several news websites. My partners each had a 35% stake in the business and I had the remaining 30%. I went on to take the lead on everything from business development to operations, while they contributed nothing (no time, no investment etc...).
    • Dividends were paid regularly and, despite doing 100% of the work, I received my 30%.
    • My partners already owned a larger, more established online advertising business between the two of them that they were actively looking to sell or raise funding for. This was their primary focus.
    • They found a company willing to buy their existing business, but the terms of that agreement were that they would have to also sell their stake in the business they had with me. So they each did exceptionally well out of selling their stake in my business despite of the fact they had contributed nothing. They each made around £75k (£150k total). I made nothing.
    • The majority shareholder in my business was now a multinational corporation that I had no dealing with and had no relationship with until that point.

    Towards the end of last year, the business was doing alright. Not great and certainly not the numbers I’d forecast, but I was making a profit.

    My primary revenue sources had dried up although I was actively looking for a new strategy. I was confident.

    At the time, the main revenue source was coming direct from my parent company - the company who had acquired my previous partners shares.

    The parent company were very short on inventory for their online advertising network, so they bought inventory from me on my news website at a ridiculously reduced rate.

    It was a symbiotic relationship; I was selling at below market value but still making margin while they were buying far below market value and increasing their profitability while being able to deliver their obligations to clients.

    It was low quality inventory and they knew it, but without it they wouldn’t come close to delivering their campaigns and for most of 2015 they were happy to continue this way.

    I said to the board that if they continued buying from me, like they had for the majority of 2015, then I would be sustainable into 2016 until such time as we could establish a new strategy for growth.

    They said absolutely not - they wouldn’t be buying any of that inventory after midnight on the 31st December. That was a new "company policy". And as such, I became insolvent overnight. Which is why I was made redundant.

    At the time it seemed fair enough and I accepted the redundancy terms.

    Except tonight, I logged into the Google Analytics as part of a process I’m going through to collate all the company logins for them (I’m the only one who has access to any of the company accounts) and noticed something suspicious.

    It looks like on the 12th of February - 3 days after I signed the contract agreeing not to sue them - (6 weeks after I'd been formally made redundant and was made to hand over my 30% stake in the business), they have switched on the exact same campaigns, driving traffic from the exact same supplier to the exact same landing page that I was managing for them.

    They're doing it through the exact same vendors that I had sourced and developed relationships with, using the exact same logins with the exact same accounts that I had set up and developed.

    Literally, the only difference between how the business was operating in 2015 while I was there and in 2016 after I've left, is that now they don't have to pay my salary.


    • I had a contract in place that said they guaranteed to pay me a salary until September 2017, which has now been breached.
    • I was the sole employee of the company. So if I was redundant, then surely the company should cease trading?
    • The board and shareholders of my former parent company are actively looking to exit in a deal which I expect to be north of £100 million.
    • The redundancy contract I signed stated I wouldn't sue. However, I feel that this is unenforceable due to the fact that
      • I signed under duress: I was told that if I didn't sign, they would wind down the business and I would receive nothing.
      • I was advised by people with conflicts: my primary advisors were board members of the parent company and their lawyers. I had no legal counsel of my own.


    • Should I have had a better deal when my partners sold their stake to the multinational?
    • Should I have been offered a better deal than 4 months pay for redundancy?
    • Do I have unfair dismissal recourse given that the company is clearly operating without me? My understanding is that according to UK law, “If you were made redundant – that is, you were told that your job was no longer needed – but you get clear evidence later that this was not the case, you can claim unfair dismissal.”
    • Should I have access to any revenue that comes when the parent company sells to a larger company?

    Thanks in advance and give me a shout if there are any questions!
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Unfair Dismissal?

    If you didn't have independant legal advice on the settlement agreement, that agreement is void.


    • #3
      Re: Unfair Dismissal?

      Did you have a shareholders agreement between the three of you for your original business?

      It sounds like you need to get all your documents over to a decent solicitor to look over and advise you on your best course of action.

      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

      Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


      • #4
        Re: Unfair Dismissal?

        Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
        Did you have a shareholders agreement between the three of you for your original business?

        It sounds like you need to get all your documents over to a decent solicitor to look over and advise you on your best course of action.
        Thanks for the reply. Yes we did.

        - - - Updated - - -

        Originally posted by mariefab View Post
        If you didn't have independant legal advice on the settlement agreement, that agreement is void.
        Thanks for the help. Even if there was a clause in the settlement that stipulated that i did have independent advice?


        • #5
          Re: Unfair Dismissal?

          Did you not take any advice from anywhere other than the people who were trying to get you to hand over your shares in the company to them?
          Is the company still trading under the same name etc as previous - just without you ?
          Can you post the agreement (removing obvious personal details)

          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

          Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


          • #6
            Re: Unfair Dismissal?

            Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
            Did you not take any advice from anywhere other than the people who were trying to get you to hand over your shares in the company to them?
            Is the company still trading under the same name etc as previous - just without you ?
            Can you post the agreement (removing obvious personal details)
            No, the only advice I took was from my former partners, their lawyer and their accountant.

            The company is trading under the same name although I'm not sure whether the billings are still going through my former company or are now going through the parent company.

            The settlement agreement is fairly long but here are the most crucial clauses as they relate to this:

            1. Effect of this agreement

            The parties hereby agree that upon signing of this agreement (including each of the Annexes attached hereto) this agreement shall immediately be fully and effectively binding on them. This agreement is entered into without any admission of liability on the part of any party. For the avoidance of doubt, this agreement will be non-binding on the parties until such time as it has been signed by all Parties, and each of its three Annexes have been duly executed as provided for below.

            2. Termination of the employment and agreed actions

            2.1 It is acknowledged that Party B terminated Party A’s Employment with immediate effect on 4th January 2016, by reason of redundancy and without notice being served in alleged contravention of clauses 2.1 and 2.2 of the Service Agreement.

            2.2 Party A shall resign immediately from any office, trusteeship, directorship or other position that he holds in or on behalf of Party B and Party C immediately upon signing this agreement and will sign the Resignation Letter at Annex A, and will promptly complete any further documents or forms required in order to put this sub-clause into full force and effect.

            2.3 Immediately upon signing this agreement, Party A will sign and execute the Stock Transfer Form (Annex B) and Shareholders’ Consent (Annex C) relating to the transfer of Party A’s Shareholding, in consideration of Party C paying the sum of [a nominal amount] payable by way of bank transfer to Party A’s nominated bank account within 30 days of the date of this agreement.

            2.4 The Parties intend and agree that the consideration paid by Party C for the transfer of the Shareholding to Party C shall be in full and final settlement of all liabilities arising under from or in connection with the Shareholding whether under the shareholders agreement dated 8 September 2014 or otherwise (Shareholder Claims).

            2.5 The Parties intend and agree that the Damages Payment (clause 4 below) shall be in full and final settlement of all liabilities arising under, from or in connection with the Service Agreement, the Employment and the termination thereof.

            2.6 Party A warrants that he has returned all company property, paperwork and confidential information belonging to Party B and Party C.

            3. Damages Payment

            3.1 Party B shall pay to Party A damages and compensation for breach of contract in the sum of [the equivalent of 4 month’s salary], payable by way of bank transfer to Party A’s nominated bank account, such payment to be made within 30 days of the date of this agreement.

            4. Release

            This agreement is in full and final settlement of, and Party A hereby releases and forever discharges, all and/or any actions, claims, rights, demands and set-offs, whether in this jurisdiction or any other, whether or not presently known to the parties or to the law, and whether in law or equity, that Party A has, or may have or hereafter can, shall or may have against the other parties or any of their Related Parties, arising out of or connected with:

            (a) the Dispute;
            (b) the underlying facts relating to the Dispute;
            (c) the Service Agreement;
            (d) any other matter arising out of or connected with the Employment and the termination of the Employment;
            (e) any matter arising out of or connected with the resignation of the office of director of Party B; and
            (f) any Shareholder Claims;
            (Collectively the Released Claims)

            5. Agreement not to sue

            Party A agrees not to sue, commence, voluntarily aid in any way, prosecute or cause to be commenced or prosecuted against Party B and/or Party C or its or their Related Parties any action, suit or other proceeding concerning the Released Claims, in this jurisdiction or any other.

            6. Indemnities

            6.1 Party A hereby indemnifies, and shall keep indemnified, Party B and Party C against all costs and damages (including the entire legal expenses of the parties) incurred in all future actions, claims and proceedings in respect of any of the Released Claims which he may bring against Party B and/or Party C and/or its or their Related Parties.

            6.2 Party A shall indemnify Party B on a continuing basis in respect of any income tax or National Insurance contributions (save for employers' National Insurance contributions) due in respect of the Damages Payment (and any related interest, penalties, costs and expenses). Party B shall give Party A reasonable notice of any demand for tax which may lead to liabilities on Party A under this indemnity and shall provide him with reasonable access to any documentation he may reasonably require to dispute such a claim (provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent Party B from complying with its legal obligations with regard to HM Revenue and Customs or other competent body).

            7. Entire agreement

            7.1 This agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties in relation to the subject matter of this agreement.

            7.2 Each party acknowledges that it has not entered into this agreement in reliance wholly or partly on any representation or warranty made by or on behalf of the other party (whether orally or in writing) other than as expressly set out in this agreement.
            My original service agreement stated that:

            The Appointment shall commence on the Commencement Date and, subject to the remaining terms of this agreement, shall be for an initial fixed term (“Initial Term”) of 36 months expiring on 31 August 2017 ("Expiry Date") and shall continue thereafter unless or until terminated by either party giving the other not less than 3 months' notice in writing, expiring on or after the Expiry Date.
            By the way, I'm not sure if this is relevant, but the reason I didn't take independent advice or push for the full salary payout was because my former partners told me that if I challenged them on the settlement, they would simply wind down the business and I would get nothing. I don't have any savings or support network, so that would have been disastrous for me.


            • #7
              Re: Unfair Dismissal?

              Is your 'independent' advisor identified in the agreement?


              • #8
                Re: Unfair Dismissal?

                Originally posted by mariefab View Post
                Is your 'independent' advisor identified in the agreement?
                No they aren't. The only reference is this one:

                1.1 Each party acknowledges that it has not entered into this agreement in reliance wholly or partly on any representation or warranty made by or on behalf of the other party (whether orally or in writing) other than as expressly set out in this agreement.


                • #9
                  Re: Unfair Dismissal?

                  You said that there was a clause in the settlement that stipulated that you did have independent advice.

                  Is your 'independent' advisor named in, or next to, that clause?


                  • #10
                    Re: Unfair Dismissal?

                    Originally posted by mariefab View Post
                    You said that there was a clause in the settlement that stipulated that you did have independent advice.

                    Is your 'independent' advisor named in, or next to, that clause?
                    Oh right. Sorry I got my wires slightly crossed there - that clause is the clause I was referring to.

                    1.1 Each party acknowledges that it has not entered into this agreement in reliance wholly or partly on any representation or warranty made by or on behalf of the other party (whether orally or in writing) other than as expressly set out in this agreement.
                    So no, it doesn't specifically reference independent advice or name an independent advisor. And that is the only mention of anything similar.


                    • #11
                      Re: Unfair Dismissal?

                      The agreement is invalid.


                      • #12
                        Re: Unfair Dismissal?

                        Oops here's why, Employment Rights Act 1996 s.203 below, particularly (3)(c-f) and (3B)(a).



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