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Payments/Wages withheld

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  • Payments/Wages withheld

    Hello everyone..

    I am new to this. and will appreciate all your help.

    will try to cut my story short

    I was an owner courier driver working for a subcontractor for a parcel delivery company for almost a year. i have been dismissed due to allegation of theft and reported to the police but later released without charge as the police is still investigating, when payday came i have only been paid £56 which i was expecting over £1500 when i sent an email to the guy i work for to ask why i haven't been paid? he replied that he has been charged for an item which it is alleged that i have stollen from work and he has passed the charges to me and he also said on his email that i am also very lucky that he has paid me £56 and also i should be thankful he paid anything with regards to wages.
    then i asked him for any invoices or detailed breakdown that explains all the deduction and what i get paid for and how much was i due to be paid
    ( this is because we dont get invoices and he pays to my account without any reference or invoice. as a courier we cant work out how much we should aern per the work we have done. only he knows this as the delivery company gives him detailed report of the work each driver has done and he pays us after taking his cut)

    now he claims and i quote

    "Policy is to withhold any money's until any outstanding queries are resolved this is universal and as per our verbal contract when you first started, also as per verbal contract when you first started you also agreed that if you were dismissed or left without 2 weeks notice all monies will be used to cover routes etc and replace drivers in which you agreed "

    this is a lie i never agreed with him anything i never i signed no contract that says anything like that with him the only reason i worked for him is i knew him over the years though work over the years.

    although he promised a lot before i started working with him.. i.e

    ~providing detailed invoice/breakdown of every pay (he done this for the 1st two payments only the rest was empty promises)
    ~providing a replacement van for me carry on working incase my van breaks down (never happened)

    i have seen a lot of drivers being dismissed and their wages kept by these subcontractors or service partners and most of them give up chasing their money. drivers who have bought their own vans, paid for their insurances, tax, mot, fuel for a months and not getting paid a penny.

    i call out to anyone that can help with this matter.. it is bigger problem out there and many owner drivers are being ripped off everyday because the law for self employed owner driver is not very clear.

    please help
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