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CCA's time limit request

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  • CCA's time limit request

    I have been contacted by lowell group who have 3 accounts they have purchased in my name. These were mainly JD Williams. I am asking for CCA for each account and requested this over 3 weeks ago. They said at the time they will contact the lender for these. I thought there was a time limit to make these available to me? They have also been emailing requesting payments etc usual stuff despite me responding by emails. I know this DCA are not good at negotiating discounts so I am making sure these are legaly enforceable should they go down the court route. They amount in total to just over £1000 and I reckon they probably paid £200 if that for these. Any advice welcome. I am in an IVA which finishes in April so have limited income spare.
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  • #2
    Re: CCA's time limit request

    There is a time limit, but it's a little bit of a meaningless time limit. If they don't provide the CCA within 12 working days ( plus 2 for posting) then they are unable to enforce the agreement in the courts.

    It used to be that it was a criminal offence not to provide within 12 days but that was ditched in 2006, so now they can take as long as they like really, but can't obtain judgment from court against you without complying with the request ( that is IF you bring it to the courts attention of course)

    I'd give up communicating with them myself until they provide the agreements.

    How long ago did the accounts default do you know?

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    • #3
      Re: CCA's time limit request

      Thank you. They are within 3 years not statute barred. But interestingly they did state it may not be possible to get the CCA on one account because of age of debt, so if they have not provided copies of the CCA I would have to inform the court they failed to provide a CCA?


      • #4
        Re: CCA's time limit request

        You opened these accounts whilst you were in an IVA?


        • #5
          Re: CCA's time limit request

          Yes the credit limit was 200 for each account but the etra charges interest etc make up most of this. Under the IVA you are allowed limited credit. I know I should not have oppennef these but equally the creditor should carry out proper checks at application stage. The same creditor subsequently keep offering more credit even now which I ignored.


          • #6
            Re: CCA's time limit request

            Assuming you are same person as the poster on this thread http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...ht=#post598848 , my suggestion would be the same as on that one.


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