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ROCK LAW and ARB PPI recovery

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  • ROCK LAW and ARB PPI recovery


    I appear to be another victim of poor PPI recovery through these 2 companies. Firstly I wonder if you could tell me if I could ever recover the £495 outlay to rock law if ARB recover no PPI for me (I understand they have gone into administration).

    My second question is more complex. Late 2014 my wife started PPI recovery proceedings directly with LLoyds bank. She received a refund from mi-sold PPI on 2 credit cards. She received nothing else although she has a seperate PPI claim for loans (also directly with lloyds). As part of my PPI investigation with ARB they sent me several documents to sign to authorise past lenders of mine to disclose information about PPI/accounts etc ... This included my wife co-signing a couple and providing details to cover joint mortgages. All document signed were to authorise the start of investigations.

    This week my wife has received a refund for one of the loans. It seems this has come as a result of the ARB investigations with Lloyds as I have received a bill from ARB for their commission. My wife has called Lloyds (call centre) and they have confirmed this is the case. When questioned about why hew private claim hadn't recovered this they said they were waiting for my wife to provide details about which loans she was claiming against. She wouldn't have this information as she doesn't know it so how did ARB find it and why couldn't lloyds. The final piece of information that really worries me is that lloyds received a letter from ARB detailing the loans that needed investigating and say it was signed by my wife. ARB confirm they sent this to Lloyds and say my wife had signed it. My wife has never signed anything apart from the initial investigation authorisations (neither have I). She wouldn't as she had her own PPI claim underway directly with Lloyds so what would be the point?

    So, am I liable to pay ARB anything as the contract is with me and not my wife and how do deal with what appears to be a forged signature.

    Thank you for your time.

    Dave Siddons
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: ROCK LAW and ARB PPI recovery

    Originally posted by davesiddons View Post

    I appear to be another victim of poor PPI recovery through these 2 companies. Firstly I wonder if you could tell me if I could ever recover the £495 outlay to rock law if ARB recover no PPI for me (I understand they have gone into administration).
    Hi Dave

    The administrators for Rock Law are Griffins so as a potential creditor to Rock Law contact them at rocklaw@griffins.net

    Additionally you can make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman http://www.legalombudsman.org.uk/cmc/

    Ordinarilly you can only do so after you have complained to Rock Law first but in circumstances where the CMC has gone into administration they will accept complaints directly. If it's upheld it cements your status as a creditor.

    I'll respond to the rest of your post in a bit.


    • #3
      Re: ROCK LAW and ARB PPI recovery

      Thank you and one more bit. Surely Lloyds should have refused communication with ARB as they would have known my wife was already dealing with them.



      • #4
        Re: ROCK LAW and ARB PPI recovery

        Originally posted by davesiddons View Post

        My second question is more complex. Late 2014 my wife started PPI recovery proceedings directly with LLoyds bank. She received a refund from mi-sold PPI on 2 credit cards. She received nothing else although she has a seperate PPI claim for loans (also directly with lloyds). As part of my PPI investigation with ARB they sent me several documents to sign to authorise past lenders of mine to disclose information about PPI/accounts etc ... This included my wife co-signing a couple and providing details to cover joint mortgages. All document signed were to authorise the start of investigations.

        This week my wife has received a refund for one of the loans. It seems this has come as a result of the ARB investigations with Lloyds as I have received a bill from ARB for their commission. My wife has called Lloyds (call centre) and they have confirmed this is the case. When questioned about why hew private claim hadn't recovered this they said they were waiting for my wife to provide details about which loans she was claiming against. She wouldn't have this information as she doesn't know it so how did ARB find it and why couldn't lloyds. The final piece of information that really worries me is that lloyds received a letter from ARB detailing the loans that needed investigating and say it was signed by my wife. ARB confirm they sent this to Lloyds and say my wife had signed it. My wife has never signed anything apart from the initial investigation authorisations (neither have I). She wouldn't as she had her own PPI claim underway directly with Lloyds so what would be the point?

        So, am I liable to pay ARB anything as the contract is with me and not my wife and how do deal with what appears to be a forged signature.

        Thank you for your time.

        Dave Siddons
        So just to get this straight:

        You signed the initial CMC contract with ARB but your wife didn't. You both signed letters of authorisation for some joint accounts but the refund your wife received was for a loan account held in her name only.

        Do you have the letter with the disputed signature?


        • #5
          Re: ROCK LAW and ARB PPI recovery

          Originally posted by davesiddons View Post
          Thank you and one more bit. Surely Lloyds should have refused communication with ARB as they would have known my wife was already dealing with them.

          Not necessarily. The letters of authorisation may have covered them and if they received the letter from ARB with your wife's signature (albeit not hers) they may not be at fault.


          • #6
            Re: ROCK LAW and ARB PPI recovery

            OK. Will update soon. Letters requested from Lloyds as I assume the original is required as photocopy would not be sufficient to authorise (am I right)


            • #7
              Re: ROCK LAW and ARB PPI recovery

              I'm not sure they'd let go of the original but presumably they'd send the copy with an accompanying letter so that would give it provinence.

              Come back to us when you've got it.


              • #8
                Re: ROCK LAW and ARB PPI recovery

                ...sorry I misread your post, yes I would have thought so too.


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