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Bristow and Sutor......

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  • Bristow and Sutor......

    Hi there

    I have been recieving letters from these people for a while over a council tax debt.
    I was advised to ignore them as the debt will be returned to the council and i can deal with them direct once this has happened.

    One of their enforcement agents visited my house yesterday. I did not answer the door I just left him knocking for a while.
    I went out to find a letter in my mailbox which i opened and read.....

    Basically stating that he has now taken control of my goods and they are now bound..... circled by him.

    I then rang him to state that he was lawfully not allowed to do this as he has not entered my property to list goods and i have not signed any possesion agreement. He then proceeded to tell me that i am wrong and he can take possesion of general household goods without having to enter my property! end of conversation.

    i went into my council offices today to make a complaint against them and to tell them that from this point on i refuse to deal with these idiots as they are nothing but liars and bullies. The lady completely agreed and asked me to make a statement in writing. Which i did and she added to my account along with a note to explain further. She also advised me not to answer the door to them.

    Is he being lawful by taking possesion of my goods in this instance? Im thinking he is not and how do i go about making a
    complaint further?

    Many thanks for reqading!
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  • #2
    Re: Bristow and Sutor......

    Could you post up a copy of the 'letter' through your door please?

    You don't have a car parked outside I hope?


    • #3
      Re: Bristow and Sutor......

      No I don't have a car at all

      I don't know how to post a pic of the letter lol


      • #4
        Re: Bristow and Sutor......

        this is the letter i hope i did it right
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Re: Bristow and Sutor......



          • #6
            Re: Bristow and Sutor......

            Ooh Ill also just add that at no point has an arrangement been made either. I have not discussed this debt with anyone from bristow and sutor until yesterday when i called the bailiff


            • #7
              Re: Bristow and Sutor......

              He has not Taken Goods into Control as he has not had peaceful entry to your home. If you have a car outside then he may have listed this but as you make no mention of any paperwork for this I doubt it has been done. Yes your goods are bound though which prevents you from selling or otherwise disposing of anything without authority to do so.


              • #8
                Re: Bristow and Sutor......

                This is a notice that your good are "bound" so you may not sell or give them away. It is not a "taking control" notice which will require the bailiff to issue an inventory.

                See https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/de...m-taking-them/


                • #9
                  Re: Bristow and Sutor......

                  Your debt so far will be what you owe the Council according to the Liability Order, a Compliance Fee of £75 which you have probably ignored resulting in the visit which adds another £235 to the debt. Because of any failure to make contact earlier they will probably be looking to collect in full only.


                  • #10
                    Re: Bristow and Sutor......

                    I dont have a car so thats ok

                    I dont have any paperwork for anything other than letters from them which i have received through the post. This letter was posted to my mailbox yesterday by hand when he visited.

                    How can my goods be bound when he doesnt know what i have?
                    If i was to sell anything he wouldnt know as he has no clue what is in my house


                    • #11
                      Re: Bristow and Sutor......

                      The Bailiff can add no more fees until he can Take Goods into Control but he can visit as many times as he likes which are likely to include an early morning - 6am - 6-30am is a favourite or late evening - say after 7-30pm. If you have children then another favourite is schooltime or as they break up calling at odd times. Whoever told you to ignore it was bad advice.


                      • #12
                        Re: Bristow and Sutor......

                        Right ok.....

                        Does this mean he can break in to take the 'bound' goods?


                        • #13
                          Re: Bristow and Sutor......

                          Originally posted by Angelbub80 View Post
                          I dont have a car so thats ok - that's good then

                          I dont have any paperwork for anything other than letters from them which i have received through the post. This letter was posted to my mailbox yesterday by hand when he visited. - Did you receive a letter entitled Notice of Enforcement?

                          How can my goods be bound when he doesnt know what i have? - Doesn't matter
                          If i was to sell anything he wouldnt know as he has no clue what is in my house

                          - - - Updated - - -

                          Originally posted by Angelbub80 View Post
                          Right ok.....

                          Does this mean he can break in to take the 'bound' goods?
                          No - he must gain entry by peaceful means by the usual entry to your home - usually via a door. It is certainly a bad idea to invite him in unless you genuinely have nothing of value.

                          - - - Updated - - -

                          He may try & make you believe he can enter at will or with the assistance of the Police - he cannot do this and complaint can be made if he does.


                          • #14
                            Re: Bristow and Sutor......

                            Thanks so much for your help :-)


                            • #15
                              Re: Bristow and Sutor......

                              Just keep asking and we'll try our best to answer. Have to go out now but will be back later this evening.

                              It may help to click the little black triangle and ask to be moved to the Bailiff Forum where others will see this.


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