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Car Hire Billing For Total Losses After Excess

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  • #31
    Re: Car Hire Billing For Total Losses After Excess

    Originally posted by des8 View Post
    Pity about the conviction for driving without due care and attention, as that equates to negligence.
    With hindsight you should have tried to find a defence.
    Have you admitted the claim? ... it seems you may have as you have told he solicitors that you have no way of paying them.

    If you intend to contest the claim IMO your best defence is misselling of the policy.
    Your were probably told the policy covered any damage, and were not told about the exclusion (which virtually excludes any own damage!).
    Yes it is buried in the T&Cs, but you didn't get to read and understand them.
    Comprehensive motor insurance policies don't include this type of exclusion, why should this policy?

    However if this goes to court and you lose the other side will in all probability be awarded their costs as well.
    If this happens there are those on this site who will be able to point you in the best direction for dealing with your debts

    Hi Des8,

    Thanks for the reply. In my original correspondence I stated and I quote : "I do not admit to owing your client any sum"

    The rest of my correspondence has been requesting documentation and pointing out and repeatedly pointing out to them that I have no money to pay anyway.


    • #32
      Re: Car Hire Billing For Total Losses After Excess

      Don't expect them to believe you have nothing to pay them with


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