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company claiming ppi charges

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  • company claiming ppi charges

    A few years ago my husband used a PPI company to make a claim. As far as we know it was all settled and finished and thought no more about it. A week ago we received a letter to say that a PPI claim was reassessed and we would be receiving a sum of money. There were no details and we thought it was a scam at first, but the letter asked for no details other than a signed letter, which we sent back
    A week later, a letter came from the original company saying that we had to pay for the service of the most recent PPI claim. They had not informed us that they were re-assessing and are asking for a third of the payment due. Can we appeal the payment they are asking for, firstly because all the paperwork should have been completed on the first time around and secondly they did not inform us they were currently looking at it.
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  • #2
    Re: company claiming ppi charges

    Unless you instructed the PPI claims firm to stop work on the case, they would have carried on.

    It may well be that the bank decided to re-open your PPI complaint - the regulator is trying to get them to do this to clear things up more quickly. But in this case the PPI claims firm will probably be able to say that they did all the work associated with the original complaint to the bank, it should have been paid at that time and they are entitled to their fee.

    Sorry, these claims firms are a complete rip-off. It is a pity you signed up with one.


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