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ppi recomdation

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  • ppi recomdation

    i am a new member, is it possable to recomend a good firm to claim any ppi claims
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  • #2
    Re: ppi recomdation

    Originally posted by craig74 View Post
    i am a new member, is it possable to recomend a good firm to claim any ppi claims
    Hi Welcome to LB.

    Quite simply why pay when the process can be done by yourself?
    There will be plenty of help on this for you here.




    • #3
      Re: ppi recomdation

      thanks for replying ,how do i start making a claim


      • #4
        Re: ppi recomdation

        Originally posted by craig74 View Post
        thanks for replying ,how do i start making a claim
        Do you have all the details on your accounts, how much in PPI premiums you have paid?

        In some cases you may have to make a Subject Access under the Provisions of the Data
        Protection Act 1998 to the creditors to get all the personal data relating to the account.
        This has a £10 statutory fee for this.

        I suggest that if you have a number of potential claims keep a separate " folder " for each claim.


        - - - Updated - - -

        Originally posted by craig74 View Post
        thanks for replying ,how do i start making a claim
        Do you have all the details on your accounts, how much in PPI premiums you have paid?

        In some cases you may have to make a Subject Access under the Provisions of the Data
        Protection Act 1998 to the creditors to get all the personal data relating to the account.
        This has a £10 statutory fee for this.

        I suggest that if you have a number of potential claims keep a separate " folder " for each claim.



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