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  • Default

    Hi please any body can help me with this matter. I was declared as Default after failing to pay minimum agreed amount of my business account in October 2001.
    The bank issued default against my name in credit history for 6 years.
    Since then i never heard from bank or any other organisations on behalf of barclays bank.
    All of sudden after 14 years of the event i received a letter on behalf of barclays bank demanding money.
    I am employed since then my credit scoring is fine till now.
    Can any one advise me to where to seek help ie Fsa or any other organisation.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Default

    Good morning welcome to LB,
    Was this a loan, current account, OD, credit card?
    The likely hood is that the debt is statute barred i.e.
    there has been no payment or unequivocal written
    in six clear years.

    Who is writing to you on behalf of Barclays?



    • #3
      Re: Default

      Thanks it was business loan i initially agreed to pay £25 a month but after couple of months found hard to keep it up then Barclays registered as a default against my name in credit scoring which stayed for six years from 2001 to 2007 but after 14 years a company contacted me on behalf of barclays demanding to £9700 staff stated that I legally do not need to pay this but morally I have to pay which I found very hard to understand Do i need to contact Financial conduct Authority for complaint thanks

      - - - Updated - - -

      Company called Link Financial


      • #4
        Re: Default

        No you do not have to pay a thing as 6 years have elapsed since last pyment or acknowledge the debt.

        They can no longer sue you or put any negative info with the credit agencies

        I would just send them back the statute barred template by recorded delivery. Link financial are a debt collecting agency who Barclays would have sold the debt to.

        You send the statute barred template to them, not Barclays


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