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Hi credit report issues !!!!

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  • Hi credit report issues !!!!

    What a fantastic site!, right I'm after advice and also proper procedures to go about things please !, I'm looking at possibly applying to get a Morgage so before I do I thought I would check my credit file
    I have 3 defaults on there which I would like to try and clear off if possible !
    1 nearly 2 years old a default for Barclays for 116 for over draft charges on a account I had , I did ring them to pay this at the time but the guy on the phone said the account is shut there's basically no way of paying !
    2 sainsburys bank loan over 5k what happened was I had a 8k loan with sainsburys I lost my job and buried my head in the sand I missed 3 payments before I contacted them and they agreed to freeze the payments for a month until I was on my feet again I was in constant contact with them , then I asked for a reduced monthly figure for a few months so I never missed any payments and even upped the payments and payed it off early but they put a default on my account I have asked experian to get more info from them regarding this
    3 orange mobile phone 589 I got a contract out for a ex partner!!! She always payed the contract out of her account when we split I moved out and I never gave it a second thought until out of the blue I recieve a letter from Lovell saying they have been passed the debt of 589 for the phone so I payed in full but they have put a default on my account even though I was never contacted to let me no about money owed etc before I was defaulted ! Does anybody think I have any grounds to challenge these ? If so how ! Also any advice on what to do with the defaults to make them look better on my file thanks chris
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  • #2
    Re: Hi credit report issues !!!!

    Sorry to give you bad news

    You have no chance of removing the defaults as they are an accurate record on how the accounts were conducted. They will be on your credit file for six years.

    More bad news

    Even if you pay off the defaults so the balance is satisfied will make not one iota of differenceas to your credit standing with another creditor.

    You will now be stuck with future credit at 1000000% APR as a risk even if you do secure credit. The main stream lenders will not touch you

    Sorry, been there, done that, got the T-shirt


    • #3
      Re: Hi credit report issues !!!!

      Oh dear thanks for reply !!!!


      • #4
        Re: Hi credit report issues !!!!

        On experian all 3 defaults show as they are but last night a got a copy of my report from call credit and all the defaults on there are all either satisfied or settled ? I'm a bit confused by this any ideas why?


        • #5
          Re: Hi credit report issues !!!!

          That just means the balance due to those creditors have now been written off. In other words the Debt has now been sold to Debt Collection agencies

          No doubt they will be contacting you threatning to hang draw and quarter if you do not sell your grandmother. When that happens update your thread


          • #6
            Re: Hi credit report issues !!!!

            More joy !!! Thanks agin


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