Hi everyone, i'm new here and i'm not sure if i am posting in the right area, or indeed if you can help at all...i sincerely hope so!
A person i work/worked with had an accident at work some time ago and there was a HSE investigation, witness statements were taken etc. The following 18 months were unbelievably stressful, not knowing if i would have to stand up in court, feeling like i was stuck in the middle of a colleague who i had a lot of time for and the people paying my wages.
When that was sorted it was like a HUGE weight lifted off of my shoulders and i could finally move on. While this had been going on i had numerous calls and messages from solicitors presumably to do with a personal injury claim. I never answered as although i hoped he would get as much money as possible, i really didn't want to get involved between the two parties. A few months after the criminal case concluded i received a letter from the HSE about someone requesting my statement to them under the FOI act, again presumably it would be his solicitors to do with a personal injury claim.
I accepted and the stress has been gradually building up again to the point where i am now here, in hope of some clarification. As i hadn't spoken to a solicitor, and therefore didn't agree to be a witness (in fact i wasn't actually asked by my colleague, whether or not my personal details could be given to a solicitor - but that is another issue), could/will i still be called to stand as a witness, as they presumably have my HSE statement in their possession?
I realize that a lot of claims are settled out of court, i'm just thinking about a worst case scenario, and the thought of possibly having to stand in court is actually terrifying me
Whether or not it makes a difference, the company pleaded guilty in the HSE criminal investigation . Thank you for taking the time to read my about my situation, i hope you can help!
A person i work/worked with had an accident at work some time ago and there was a HSE investigation, witness statements were taken etc. The following 18 months were unbelievably stressful, not knowing if i would have to stand up in court, feeling like i was stuck in the middle of a colleague who i had a lot of time for and the people paying my wages.
When that was sorted it was like a HUGE weight lifted off of my shoulders and i could finally move on. While this had been going on i had numerous calls and messages from solicitors presumably to do with a personal injury claim. I never answered as although i hoped he would get as much money as possible, i really didn't want to get involved between the two parties. A few months after the criminal case concluded i received a letter from the HSE about someone requesting my statement to them under the FOI act, again presumably it would be his solicitors to do with a personal injury claim.
I accepted and the stress has been gradually building up again to the point where i am now here, in hope of some clarification. As i hadn't spoken to a solicitor, and therefore didn't agree to be a witness (in fact i wasn't actually asked by my colleague, whether or not my personal details could be given to a solicitor - but that is another issue), could/will i still be called to stand as a witness, as they presumably have my HSE statement in their possession?
I realize that a lot of claims are settled out of court, i'm just thinking about a worst case scenario, and the thought of possibly having to stand in court is actually terrifying me
Whether or not it makes a difference, the company pleaded guilty in the HSE criminal investigation . Thank you for taking the time to read my about my situation, i hope you can help!