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  • deeds

    hi if i signed transfer deeds for mr x and section of the deeds were replaced to show mr y was the new owner of property is that fraud
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  • #2
    Re: deeds

    Hi and welcome.
    Doesn't sound right, but not necessarily fraud.
    Could be a mistake
    Would you like to give more details?


    • #3
      Re: deeds

      Originally posted by des8 View Post
      Hi and welcome.
      Doesn't sound right, but not necessarily fraud.
      Could be a mistake
      Would you like to give more details?

      sold my house in 2008 sell to rent back at 70% of value had an option agreement that's all but sale was dealt with by his solicitors signed transfer deeds for him to buy but now found out that he never bought it he let someone else without our knowledge i have reported him to all necessary authorities i need to know how i can get him into court for fraudulent misrepresentation etc this is a very complex problem i have

      - - - Updated - - -

      he swithed new owners details on tranfer form


      • #4
        Re: deeds

        Why do you want to take him to court for fraudulent misrepresentation?
        Has this act caused you financial loss?
        Claims under Misrepresentation Act 1967 must be brought within 6 years of the date on which the misrepresentation was made (or could have been discovered), or on which the Claimant firstsuffered loss;
        If you are intent on taking action you might like to read this article: http://www.guildhallchambers.co.uk/f...ember_2012.pdf


        • #5
          Re: deeds

          was only discovered recently sold it for 70% of it's original value i lost out on approx £38000 he sold it to a friend instead he forged signatures on contract


          • #6
            Re: deeds

            Sorry, but we don't have enough information to comment.
            You say it is a very complex situation, but only give us two lines!
            As I understand so far: you sold your house in 2008 with a view to renting it back.
            You thought you were selling to A, but in fact it went to B.
            You had an option agreement (to buy back at set amount?)
            B has now sold house to some one else?
            Who forged signatures on which contract? (are you referring to your sale, or the subsequent sale?)
            I think you will have to give us a lot more clear info.


            • #7
              Re: deeds

              hi been a while
              now been served with s21 as he threatened if we didn;t give up with our claims will try to clarify here we go
              sold our house to a sale and rent back landlord in 2008 for £100000 of £138000
              terms and conditions attached to agreement i.e money back at year six
              we approached him about rent back and he told us the contract we signed with him was null and void
              after after sending him a copy of the agreement he still claimed it was void after several weeks of me hassling him he told us he did not buy our property at the time he passed it to a friend to buy and he manages it for him i asked him to supply a signed copy of the agreement that we were supposed to have signed to this other person he refused so i contacted companies house to find solicitor who dealt with transfer as the had been struck off luckily they were found and they still had the original document the agreement for the person we did not sell to but who owns our property has been amended beyond belief and has forged signatures on it also we obtained a copy of the tenancy agreement that blatently shows amendments after it was signed by us tr1 was signed by us for one person and sent back to landlord documents amended after we returned the to him also dates had been written over amended we have put in a defence to the s21 defence is inducement and fraudulent misrepresentation we are awaiting a response as we speak it has been referred to judge that's all we know at the moment our housing solicitor is getting advice from barrister as i have already been advised by a criminal barrister we are hoping there will be a hearing at which this landlord will not want has he has a lot to hide
              basically our loss was approx £38000 on sale of house if his valuation is to be believed as he and his solicitor dealt with everything also his solicitor was struck of in 2010 for various offences including mortgage fraud also the person who has supposed to have bought our property is looking like a non entity we believe the landlord who should have bought house is the owner by deceiving us and mortgage lender
              Last edited by kenneth74430; 1st January 2016, 22:33:PM.


              • #8
                Re: deeds

                Tanks for up dating your thread.
                If you have solicitor and barrister(s) working for you, you should be in safe hands.


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