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  • #61
    Re: moorcroft

    My husband works....and we own our home but my name is not on mortgage...do u think i should reinstate payments? 10.00 pcm....there has been no mention of the court order..so i am confused..


    • #62
      Re: moorcroft

      Originally posted by kaz1975 View Post
      And i am not paying it atm ..havent since 2012..
      Was it purely unaffordability that stopped you paying?



      • #63
        Re: moorcroft

        Tbh...i had personal problems..marriage breakdown and depression..also i hit the bottle a bit..struggled with everything..is there anyway i can see if there is a judgement..because its weird it hasnt been enforced..things are good for me right now..this is all i need..to rock the boat.


        • #64
          Re: moorcroft

          Originally posted by kaz1975 View Post
          Tbh...i had personal problems..marriage breakdown and depression..also i hit the bottle a bit..struggled with everything..is there anyway i can see if there is a judgement..because its weird it hasnt been enforced..things are good for me right now..this is all i need..to rock the boat.
          Trust on line for checking judgements, there is a charge for each address checked.


          - - - Updated - - -

          Originally posted by kaz1975 View Post
          Tbh...i had personal problems..marriage breakdown and depression..also i hit the bottle a bit..struggled with everything..is there anyway i can see if there is a judgement..because its weird it hasnt been enforced..things are good for me right now..this is all i need..to rock the boat.
          Trust on line for checking judgements, there is a charge for each address checked.



          • #65
            Re: moorcroft

            Guess i will just have to sit back and wait to see wat happens..


            • #66
              Re: moorcroft

              Just checked trust online...nothing registered against my name or address.. :/


              • #67
                Re: moorcroft

                Originally posted by kaz1975 View Post
                Just checked trust online...nothing registered against my name or address.. :/
                You said the judgment was from 2007, if so, it would have dropped off the registry in 2013, they only stay on record for six years.


                • #68
                  Re: moorcroft

                  Aww..so im still liable..oh dear


                  • #69
                    Re: moorcroft

                    Originally posted by kaz1975 View Post
                    Aww..so im still liable..oh dear
                    Try not to worry. It is possible even they may not be aware that there is a judgment. It has been known to happen. If you ever receive anything indicating they intend to enforce it, do post up. You can always make a monthly payment offer you can afford, backed with an income and expenditure form. Some people have CCJs and pay just £1/month because that's all they can afford. Remember you can always apply to suspend a warrant should they get one and you can also request a suspended attachment of earnings order if they were to apply for one. There's always a way to deal with these things and you are in the right place to get help with them. :thumb:


                    • #70
                      Re: moorcroft

                      Aww thank you...i havent told hubby as it was a debt from wen we were parted...so legal beagles are my only support..really appreciate it..


                      • #71
                        Re: moorcroft

                        Originally posted by kaz1975 View Post
                        Just checked trust online...nothing registered against my name or address.. :/
                        Have you moved in recent times?



                        • #72
                          Re: moorcroft

                          No..been here 17 yrs


                          • #73
                            Re: moorcroft

                            Originally posted by kaz1975 View Post
                            No..been here 17 yrs
                            The reason the CCJ does not show is because it was recorded over 6 years ago (2007), not because it may have been recorded at a different address.


                            • #74
                              Re: moorcroft

                              If a person only checks on the current address and
                              nothing shows there is always a possibility that a
                              " last known address has been used.
                              It's called being thorough!


                              • #75
                                Re: moorcroft

                                If it is of any help, I had two CCJ's in the 90's so yes a long time ago. I was paying minimal payments up until 2012 when things got difficult. The nice man from barclays told me that if I stopped paying there was nothing they could do about it as it was so old.

                                Do you have any of the paperwork from the time of the CCJ, or any letters about who owns the debt now, is it still Lloyds?

                                AS previously said by Garlok and FP the letter he suggested has nothing whatsoever to do with FMOTL and is just asserting your legal rights , with the exception of motor mile finance I have never had any problems with sending that letter. I would however refrain from throwing water over them as I believe that is assault although you could use reasonable force to move them off your premises, but again I would avoid even talking to them.

                                IF someone other than Lloyds now own the debt unless there has been a substitution of name there is nothing they can do. Entirely up to you about restarting payments or not, personally i would not unless things get more 'interesting'


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