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Burgled self storage unit please help ?

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  • Burgled self storage unit please help ?

    Hi , I've stored at a self storage park for 3 years , I have a shipping container within the grounds which is gated and accessible 24 hours by key , I joined this particular company as it had a good reputation for security as I had been burgled twice at home and felt the need to store items both business related and home related to safeguard from theft .
    i signed 3 years ago being advised that the whole building was alarmed and it had a 24 hour monitored cctv system and indeed everytime I entered out of hours I was met with a voice on a tannoy requesting I enter a pin number or leave immediately as I was being filmed and the police would be called if I didn't , it felt good to know someone was watching .
    however this week the gates of the storage depot were breached and my container was forced open and everything of value taken , around 10.000 pounds worth !( amazingly this is unusual as not anywhere near that amount in my container normally )The police were called and the alarm engineers also , it transpires that the cctv monitoring had not been active for over two weeks and this is why the police were not notified , I am insured for 2k only and wondered if I could take the owners to court for negligence and or duty of care ??.. Please help somebody as its a lot of money and I can't sleep wondering what to do , thank you in advance .
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