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aktiv kapital portfolio as osl o zug branch help required urgent

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  • aktiv kapital portfolio as osl o zug branch help required urgent

    Im new to forums, and to debt so please bear with me, I have received a claim form from Aktiv Kapital Portfolio requesting payment for a debt card which i entered into an agreement with MBNA back in feb 1998.
    Since then on my credit report it shows me in default with MBNA in 2013 and then next to it saying satisfied. I am assuming that is the time they sold the debt to Aktiv Kapital who is now chasing me.

    I have not paid any payment to MBNA since April 2013, and i have not completed any forms or docs or made any payments to Aktiv Kapital and have no agreement with them or aware of them since the court form.

    please help
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  • #2
    Re: aktiv kapital portfolio as osl o zug branch help required urgent

    Hi Welcome.
    You are correct the "satisfied" marker is from the sale of the debt.
    As payments have been made up to 2013 the debt is not statute barred.
    Can you please post up a copy of the claim form (personal identifiers and case No. redacted) or type in verbatim?

    You must acknowledge service asap and state intention to defend (can be done online, see claim pack details)
    Send A CCA request to AK £1 statutory fee payable use a cheque or postal order endorsed " for Statutory Fee only. Keep a photocopy of the cheque/PO. (is there a solicitor involved) if so a CPR31.14 request for documents mentioned in the particulars of claim should be sent to them. ( templates in the forum library).

    Has AK written to you prior to you receiving a claim? e.g, A letter Before Action?

    This account was opened prior to April 2007 so AK will need to have the original signed agreement to enforce it.



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