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Hi Guys

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  • Hi Guys

    Hi to all,

    I came across your forum today whilst searching for help with the Lovell Group. They are chasing me for a non existant debt. After sending them a CCA request they have finally (after 3 months) cobbled together a credit agreement (reconstituted?) of which I know nothing about. I have definitely not purchased the items they mentioned nor have I lived at the address on the agreement. I found a template on your forum (and some really interesting other advice) and have just sent sent a letter to Ms Sara de Tute as advised. Hopefully this is the end of the matter, but I'm not holding my breath. Thanks for the info, will keep you posted!
    Tags: lovell

  • #2
    Re: Hi Guys

    Hi welcome.

    The Lowell group from Leeds.

    Do you have another thread on here about this debt?
    May I ask who advised writing to Ms de Tute?


    • #3
      Re: Hi Guys

      Hi [MENTION=60069]glendoa[/MENTION] and welcome to LB
      Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

      It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

      recte agens confido


      Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

      I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
      But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

      Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


      • #4
        Re: Hi Guys

        Hi and welcome,

        I'm also new to this website myself and like you, I am also receiving letters from The Lowell in regards to a debt which I do not even understand nor comprehend whether it is mine or not. If there is another thread here to discuss this and get advice can someone please let me know? I haven't started one myself.



        • #5
          Re: Hi Guys

          No I don't have another thread on this. Sorry I probably mislead you by saying "advised" - I picked up on the advice you gave another member in the thread below. My letter was along the lines of that suggested on #7 of the thread. BTW just received my 10th letter from the Lowell group this morning (9th Jan) giving me 7 days from the date of their letter (2nd Jan - so no time at all) to contact them to discuss repayment or the matter will be passed to their collections department. Hopefully I haven't overreacted by sending a letter to Ms de Tute but these people are getting me down a little and I need to nip it in the bud now if I can. My other concern is what effect this may be having on my credit rating for future credit/ mortgage applications.


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