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Hi Everyone

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  • Hi Everyone

    New to the forum.
    Have been looking at two other sites for help with a problem. The amount of research i've done so far elsewhere hasn't really made things any clearer 2 months down the line. Found this site today so hoping to get the right pointers here. Am about to browse the site and find the right place to start and am looking forward to speaking with you. Hopefully I can return the favour to others too at sometime.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Hi Everyone

    Hi amalfi and welcome, if you need any help finding stuff give a shout.
    Enaid x


    • #3
      Re: Hi Everyone

      Thanks Enaid,
      To give you a brief overview:-
      A solicitor has issued a claim form on behalf of a DCA that purchased my credit card debt from original creditor.
      I've hit them with the three letters, 1) SAR to OC 2) Copy of Credit Agreement request to DCA. 3) CPR 31.14 request to solicitor.
      All eventually came back with replies, although very late.

      The solicitor is requesting I make an offer of payment in the next seven days or they will proceed with ccj.
      My defence was received middle september, therefore approx mid october the claim would have been stayed.

      Im not really sure where to go from here. I know i need to be looking for flaws in the agreement etc. In fact it looks exactly the same as the one in this link:


      I want to fight this to the bitter end and feel like I should be going on some kind of offensive, but don't know what.

      Any pointers would be gratefully received.


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